It's Your Girlfriend

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Chapter 26

Peter's Pov:

Coach Wilson tells us to sit in the bleachers and then he pulls out a really old looking tv.

"Does Thor's hair smell nice?" Ned whispers to me.

I knit my eyebrows and look at Ned. "I don't know,"

I look towards the tv and see Steve dressed as Captain America.

"Hi, I'm Captain America. " I cough trying to cover up my laugh. I can't wait to tell everyone about this.

"Does he wear he costume around the tower?"

"No he wears clothes," I whisper back.

"Whether you're in the classroom, or on the battlefield, physical fitness can be the difference between success or failure. Today my good friend, your gym teacher, will be conducting the Captain America Fitness Challenge." The Steve on the screen says.

"This is so funny," I whisper.

Coach Wilson blows his whistle and tells us were doing sit ups. We climb down from the bleachers and head to a mat.

"Have you lifted Thor's hammer before?"

"What no," I say as I sit down on the mat.

"What does The Winter Soldier's arm feel like?"

"I don't know,"I don't understand how Ned has so many questions.

"Peter you're so good at sit ups, dude!" Ned whisper shouts.

"Thanks I guess,"

"I don't understand how you're so buff,"


"Wait does Spiderman live at the Tower?"


"Looking good Parker," Wilson says as he passes us.

"I heard that Spiderman teamed up with the Avengers," Flash says. I look around and see that he's by the bleachers.

"Spiderman is so cool," someone else says, I don't know their name.

"Imagine knowing him," another person says.

"Peter knows Spiderman!" Ned practically shouts.

"Ned!!" I whisper.

"Oh, really?" Flash says smirking.

"How does he know him?"

"Yeah how do you know him, Parker?" Flash says coming over.

"Uhh... I have a internship with Mr Stark!" I say quickly.

Ned looks at me confused for a second than smiles, "And he knows Spiderman,"

"Yeah and I'm dating Black Widow," flash says laughing.

"Is he?" Ned whispers to me.

"What no! Ned he's being sarcastic,"

"Peter knows Black Widow too!"

"Ned shut upppp please," I say glaring.

"How have you not stopped doing sit ups this whole time?"

"Dunno, I'm in shape I guess." I shrug

"Thompson you should be doing situps right now," Coach Wilson says.

Flash glares at me and sits down on a mat.


The rest of the day went by pretty uneventful. Ned kept swarming me with questions but it's fine. It's nice having a friend.

"So do you have all the Avengers numbers or just Mr Starks?"

"All of -" I stop because my sense go off, I look down and see Flash's leg stretched out.

I step over it smiling, "All of them,"

"Hey Parker!" Flash calls out.

"I'm ignoring him," I tell Ned.

"Okay, I've got to go out this door so see you tomorrow! Bye Peter!" He says and leaves.

"Bye Ned!"

I walk outside but Flash pushes me against the side of the school.

Nat's Pov:

"Look a fight!" Clint says pointing out the window.

We've been waiting outside Peter's school for the past 20 minutes cause Tony didn't want to be late.

"Fun!" I say looking out.

"That one kid doesn't really look like they're fighting though," Clint says.

"I can't really see, wanna get a closer look?" I ask

"Yeah sure, I haven't seen a high school fight for years!" He says excitedly.

We put on some sunglasses and baseball caps and get out the car.

"Where are you going?" Tony asks.

"To watch a fight," Clint smirks back.

As we walk closer I turn to Clint.

"Doesn't that kid look like Peter?"

"Nat! That is Peter!"

I take off my hat and glasses and shout out "Hey Peter!" He smiles and waves.

The kid trying to beat him up stops and looks at me and Clint. His jaw drops and Peter laughs.

"Oh look Flash it's your girlfriend," he says to the boy smirking.

I look at Clint and he just shrugs. "Coming Peter?"

"Yeah!" He calls out. "See you later Eugene," he says and he runs over to us.

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