Chapter 50 (wHaT!!)
Peter's Pov:
Last night.
Thor practically tackled Coach Wilson for his poptart.
Stephen accidentally portalled a desk out of Mr Harrington's classroom then portalled it back, on top of Mr Harrington, which knocked him out.
Sam and Bucky stole someone's tandem bike and rode Mr Harrington to the hospital.
The fire alarm went off, Steve took charge, assigning us all roles then went to the office to direct the parents and students out from the speakers.
Because everyone had a role, it actually went pretty smoothly, especially considering no staff took charge.
Nat, Bruce, Tony, Scott, and Wanda were at hallway intersections to help people not get lost.
Loki calmed the crowd of evacuating people down from atop his throne.
Thor made it pour rain to 'put out the fire', which made everyone outside get soaked.
Stephen had an emergency, Sam and Bucky were with Mr Harrington at the hospital.
Clint, Pietro, and I investigated the fire through the vents.
I discovered Morita and Coach Wilson were roasting marshmallows in the boiler room, which caused the fire alarm to go off. Clint wanted to join them but Bruce said no.
Once the firefighters came and said they could take it from there, Scott got his van while we waited for Stephen, Sam and Bucky. Once we were reunited we got our shawarma and went home.
On the way back Clint and Pietro were pretending to surf on top the van. A bird pooped on Clint, which Pietro found hillarious, and Pietro got hit in the face by a traffic sign. Pietro fell back when he got hit, and hit Clint.
Now Pietro and Clint both have black eyes
Anyways, because of the 'fire' the school gave everyone a day off. I'm eating an extremely burnt grilled cheese in the kitchen with Steve and Tony.
"STEVE! I said watch it!"
"And that's what I did!"
Tony takes an annoyed huff of air. "And when it started to burn? You didn't, I don't know, think to remove it from the pan?"
"Well I did, but you said to watch it."
Tony lets out a scream. "How are you still alive?"
"The ice." Steve pauses. "And Bucky."
Tony throws his hands up. "I give up. Sorry Peter, that was the last of the cheese."
"It's okay, the sandwich isn't that bad." Tony looks at me suspiciously as Steve gives me a small smile.
I take a big bite to prove my point.
Tony laughs and gets out two Caprisuns. He slides one across the table to me as he sits down.
Steve frowns, "What about me?"
"You don't get one." Tony sticks his tongue out.
Steve laughs and gets himself some water.
There's a moment of silence then Tony and I say something at the same time.
We laugh, then both say you go.
Tony points to me.
"So what was your news last night?"
"Oh!" Tony's face lights up.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that." Steve says as he sits down.
"ANNOUNCEMENT TIME!!!" Tony shouts then sends a message to the group chat.
"FRIDAY, tell everyone to meet in the common room."
"I'll get Bucky." Steve says as he leaves the room.
"Want to get Nat? She's in the gym." Tony nods to me and I smile ans I run out the room.
I crash into Nat, she stays still and I go flying back. "Oops I'm so sorry!"
She pats my shoulder, "It's okay Peter."
We walk to the common room.
"Do you know what Tony's news is?"
"I have a feeling." She smiles.
"What is it!!" I jump up and down.
She shakes her head. "Just wait and see."
As we walk we talk about last night.
"And then Flash ran out with his pink hair scr-" I stop when I hear Tony.
We walk in to Clint pushing past Stephen and Bruce.
"You need to calm down, you're being too loud." Clint puts his hand up and shakes his hips.
"And I'm like oh-oh, oh-oh, oH-OH, OH-OH!" Pietro joins in screaming.
"GET HELP!" Thor runs at me and swallows me into a hug.
"PETER'S HERE! I CALMED DOWN." Tony screeches over Pietro and Clint.
"I don't think you have but fine."
"What just happened?"
As much as I want to continue the what chain, my need to know what Tony's news is gets the better of me. "Um so like Tony, what is your NEWS?" I smile.
"Do you want the good news and the bad news?" Stephen asks before Tony can open his mouth.
"You have bad news?" I frown.
"Unfortunately yes."
"I guess good news first."
Tony smiles then climbs on top of a table.

You're not Steve
Fanfiction14 year old Peter Parker's had nothing but bad luck, he's been homeless for 6 years. But things start to look up when he gets a wrong number text. The descriptions bad, but please give the story a chance. :) I don't own any of the characters, just m...