Flashy Poo

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Chapter 33

Peter's Pov:

So I'm almost positive Principal Morita hates me. After he handed me the phone I kept laughing as I tryed to explain to Tony what happened.

I think the only words I actually said were Crocs, Flash, and belly flop. Morita just glares at me the whole time then took the phone back.

We're now waiting outside the school for Tony to come.

"I'm very disappointed in you Mr Park-" he gets cut off by the sound of a motorcycle. I look in the distance and see Bucky and Nat both on motorcycles.

I wave. "Who are they?" Morita asks me suspiciously.

"Mom and Dad," I say shrugging.

"I thought your dad was..." He trails off and they park their bikes in front of us.

"Peter!" Nat says running up to me. "Where is he?"

"Yeah where is he?" Bucky asks as he comes up.

"Guys calm down. It's okay." I say. I know what they're both thinking and it's definitely not a good idea.

"What's okay?" Tony says as him and happy role up beside the motorcycles

"Hey wait you're the guy I was talking to on the phone!" He says narrowing his eyes.

"Wait.." Principal Morita says under his breath.

"Okay then! Let's go to the car to talk," I say quickly. As funny as it'd be watching this play out it's not necessary.

"But I want to give him a piece of -" I grab his hand.

Nat and Bucky are both talking in Russian.

"Come on guys." I say.

"Okay spill the beans kid,"

"You mean tea,"




"Just tell us what happened!" Nat says.

I then explain what happened.

"So you got suspended because Flashy Boy belly flopped onto the ground?" Bucky asks.

"Yeah, but Morita doesn't believe me!"

"Security cameras?" Tony asks.

"Yeah... Don't hack into them though! They'll just get mad if you do that," I say.

"Why would I do that? I just want to watch Flashy poo belly flop," he says.

My mouths fall open. That's so smart.


"So I can't kill Flash Poo can I?" Nat asks.

"Noooooo!!" I say and she looks genuinely disappointed.


So Tony got the footage and me left the school. Once they watched it they decided we should just go back.

Now all three of them hate Principal Morita. I don't know what's gonna happen when everyone goes to meet all the teachers. I'm not even gonna think about that.

I pull out my phone and see like a hundred texts from Ned. I look at the recentest

Please answerrr
What happened
You okay?
You good?
Did you get in trouble?
It was about Flash right?
People started to make up rumors
It's kind of funny
Also dumb

I'm fine
Got suspended though

From Flash's belly flop stunt?

Butttt we got the footage of it!

"You texting Ned?" Tony asks.

"Yeah," I say and put my phone away. "Are you upset I got suspended?" I ask looking down."

"Yes," he says and my face drops.

"But not at you! At your dumb principal."

"Oh okay," I say smiling.

We drive in silence for a bit then arrive at the tower.

"Finally," Nat says as we walk in.

"Yeah well at least we use the road," Tony replies.

"Wait is that how you guys are so fast at driving?" I ask. I was wondering how they got here before us, I thought Tony drove pretty fast.

"We might have driven a bit 'off road'," Bucky says.

"I've seen you two driving on roof's before," Clint says.

"And?" Bucky says smirking.

"I am so confused," I say and Bucky's face lights up.

He then says something to Nat in Russian. She replies and they go back and forth.

"So is anyone gonna explain why Peter got suspended?" Bruce asks.

"So cause you wouldn't let us 'deal' with Flashy Poo can we at least have some fun?" Nat asks with a sly smile.

"I don't like where that's headed," Steve says. "Also yeah can someone explain what happened?"

"FRIDAY play the footage we took from Midtown." Tony says.

A hologram appears and the video is shown.

Everyone's laughing. I don't think that video will ever get old.

"Wait so what do you mean by fun?" I ask Bucky.

"You'll see," Nat replies with a scary smile.

"I didn't even agree yet,"

"It's okay we knew you would."

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