The Beach

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[Author's Note: I finally updated, I'm so sorry for the long wait... Anyways thank you so much for reading this! I didn't think it'd even get 1k reads let along over a 100 :) also this chapters kind of random but I have a plan]

Peter's Pov:

After we left the school we got some shawarma then decided to go to the beach to celebrate.

What were celebrating I'm not sure, Steve thinks it's because I did well on my test but Clint and Pietro say it's in honor of my drug-doing. Tony said it's because we ruined Morita's office and Sam said it's to help distract us from the thought of a twelvesome.

But instead of heading back to the tower to grab our swimsuits Tony decided we should just buy new ones.

So we seperated into groups to make it easier and somehow I ended up with just Thor.

Not complaining though, I think nobody else wanted to go with him which is really sad. How could someone not want to shop with Thor.

"Ready?" He asks me starting to swing his hammer.

"Yeah," I smile, this is my first time traveling through Marijuanaor. Or with, I'm not sure what'd you call this.

He shoots the hammer into the sky and we go flying. I close my eyes and cling tightly to Thor.


We're the last group to arrive at the beach, Thor had some trouble deciding on some things.

"Nice outfit..." Clint says smiling at Thor.

He's wearing gold Crocs, poptart swim trunks and a goggle mask shaped like Sulley from Monsters Inc. He has neon green arm floaties and a flamingo floaty tube.

I'm just wearing board shorts and a t-shirt, which is what most people seem to be wearing.

"Let's go swimming!" Thor says running to the water.

Nat and Sam set up a volleyball net and Tony sets up a picnic blanket.

I stand still watching everyone, there's so many things to do.

Pietro and Bucky are digging a hole in the sand, Clint and Scott are throwing wet sand at each other, Bruce is staring at the sun.

Steve is putting on sunscreen, I decide that's a good idea so I head over to him.

I put on some sunscreen and then I join Clint and Scott in the sand fight.

The three of us end up getting covered in sand so we go swimming. Scott's telling us about tacos when Thor goes running past us carrying something.

"We need to call Mr Wizard Doctor!" He shouts and he grabs a empty bucket.

"Stephen?" Steve asks but Thor seems too focused to hear.

He puts something in it then takes a couple breaths.

"You okay Poptarts?" Tony asks not getting up from his towel.

"The fish was drowning! We need Mr Doctor Wizard!" He says frantically and I hold my breath to keep from laughing.

Some people do laugh and Thor just seems more upset. "I don't think fish can drown Thor," Bruce says walking up to him.

"Wait Banner! You can save him too, you're a doctor!"

"What is happening?" Scott whispers to Clint and I.

"Thor's trying to save a fish from drowning?" I answer with a smile.

Suddenly a portal appears and Dr Strange walks out of it.

"What happened this time?" He asks with slight annoyance in his tone.

"Nothing important, you can go back if you'd like."

"Yes.. wait is that a bouncy castle!?" He asks excitedly and we all look at him.

"Over there." He says pointing in the distance.

He then floats towards it with his cloak and everyone just stares at him.

He floats very far away then stops.

"Nevermind, it's a sandcastle mold!" He calls out then walks through a portal.

"Okay then..." Sam says then we all go back to what we were doing before.

Bruce seems to be explaining to Thor that fish don't drown, Tony's tanning, Pietro and Bucky are sitting in the hole they made laughing. Nat, Wanda, Sam and Steve are playing volleyball and I don't know where Loki is.

"Where's Loki?" I ask and Clint points to the left of Tony.

Down the beach there's a HUGE throne made out of sand, with Loki sitting at the top of it.


"I'm hungry." Tony then states and Scott puts his hand in his pocket.

He clicks something, his van goes off and a sign falls from the side saying 'Hot Scott Dogs'.

Everyone drops what they're doing and runs to it, even Loki.

We sit on the picnic blanket eating our hot dogs.

I don't know what people usually do at the beach but I don't think this was a typical beach visit.

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