Dating Spiderman

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Chapter 74

Peter's Pov

"So will you stop me if I start embarassing myself?" Ned asks me as he bounces down the sidewalk.

"Ned, it's going to be fine. They all love you." I tell him for what feels like the sixth time this walk.

We're on our way to the tower to build Ned's lego death star, and he's been worrying about my family not liking him all day - even though they've already met.

He sighs, "Thanks Peter, I'm just so excited! And last time I was at your tower I fainted twice and a moldy clementine hit me in the face and I just want to make a better impression than that."

I pat his shoulder, "None of what happened that day was your fault - that was all on us." I smile at the memory.

"This time everyone knows your coming over and that we'll be building the death star... though I don't think everyone understands what the death star is.. or that it's just made of lego... or even what lego is"

I think that Bucky is under the impression that we are building a weapon of some sorts, and Thor thinks we're making a star that relives the dead. Ah well.

We continue walking and I change the subject to academic decathlon.

We're greeted by Bruce outside the tower and we head in together, chatting about our days in the elevator.

"Look who I found!" Bruce says as the doors open and we walk out.

"Get Help and Friend of Get Help!" Thor bellows, dropping his poptart and running to us.

He wraps us in a hug and I see Ned hold his breath, I kick his foot and give him a small smile.

"Hi Thor! How was your day?" I ask.

"It was good young Peter! Brother and I went to another thrift store! And then we had tea and beer with Dr Wizard!"

"That sounds fun, what did you get at the thrift store?"

"Brother, can we show Get Help everything?"

Loki sighs and gets up from his beanbag chair, "Yes brother." He turns to us and waves, "Hey Ned."

"Hh-hi Mr Loki your Highness Majesty god sir,," Ned stumbles.

Loki gives him a tiny thin smile and Ned beams.

"Hey Pete! Ned, how are you doing today?" Nat calls from the kitchen where she and Bucky appear to be prepping dinner.

Bucky waves as he flips a pan of pancakes.

"Are you boys hungry? Pietro and Clint begged us to make pancakes, and we were already prepping dinner so we figured what the hell," Nat explains with a shrug.

I nod and turn to Ned, "You okay with that?"

"Of course! I never have pancakes as an after school snack." He smiles.

"Why don't you two put your bags down and chill for a bit, then someone will get you when we're ready to eat?"

"Sounds good!"

We head up to my room, me giving Ned a quick tour along the way. 

When we get to my room I freeze. Nonono. Ah no.

"Wow is that Spiderman's mask?! And a webshooter??"

"Uh," Play dumb Peter. "No."

Ned turns to me confused, "Uh Peter, that is definitely a spiderman mask."

Not that dumb, why did I say that. "Uh no no, I meant to say yes, but it's not mine!" I try to cover up my mistake.

"Well duh. Unless... are you spiderman Peter?"

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