Seven Dad's

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Chapter 25

Peter's Pov:

"You know Tony Star?!" Ned asks with his mouth open.

"No, no, no, Tony Parker, he's my uh dad."

"Peter we're friends, please don't lie to me. Cause you're a terrible liar." He laughs.

"I don't know him!"

"Peter if I were you I'd be jumping up and down and screaming I know Tony Stark! What so how do you know him, waittttttttttttttttt!!!!!! Is he your dad?!!"

"Ned!!" I whisper.

"Oh. Is he your dad?!!" He says again this time whispering.

I sigh. I don't want to lose my one and only friend because I lied about my dad.

"Ned, you can't tell anyone this okay?"

"He's your dad!!!" Ned shouts and everyone in the hallway stares at us.

"Ned!!" I whisper again. "Everyone is staring at us,"

We arrive at the classroom and walk in. "So he's actually your dad? How does no one know this? Wait who's your mom? Black widow? Scarlet witch? Or is a different avenger? Are you adopted?" He sputters.

"Ned one question at a time," I say as we sit down at the back of the classroom.

He takes a breath,"Do you know Spiderman?"

"That had nothing to do with what we're talking about Ned. But in a way I guess I know Spiderman."

"Okay wait so who's your mom? Wait a second is Black Widow Spiderman's mom? Cause they're both spiders."

"Okay first of all Black Widow is not a spider and spider man isn't either."

"Do you think Spiderman lays eggs?"

"What?! No ew," I say. That's so ridiculous, and gross.

"Wait so were you adopted?"

"Yeah I'm adopted," I say.

"So who's your mom?"

"I guess Natasha and Wanda are both my mom? I don't know,"

"Wait... Who's your dad?"

"Supposedly Tony, Thor, Steve, Bruce, Bucky, Pietro, and Clint are all my dad? I don't know they're all my legal guardians but does that make them my dad and mom's?"

"This is so cool!!!!! Wait you have seven dad's? I'm freaking out Peter! You're literally the kid of the freaking Avengers!! Also you have two mom's, that's nine mom and dad's!!"

"Ned please be quiet, no one knows about this," I say.

"So who can tell me how much salt does the average human body contain?" Mr Harrington asks.

"400 grams," a boy in the front shouts out.

"Peter I'm still freaking out. Can I come to your house one day? Wait do you-"

"That is incorrect Mr Thompson. Any one know the answer."

"Ahh Ned if we keep talking he's gonna get made at us," I whisper.

"Mr Parker, do you know the answer?" He asks looking at me.

"It's about 250 grams," I say and the boy, Mr Thompson, turns around and glares at me.

"That is correct Mr Parker," Mr Harrington says a little impressed.

"Ned what's the kid who shouted out the wrong answer?" I ask Ned.

"Oh that's Flash, stay away from him."

"Flash? What kind of name is that?"

"His real names Eugene but don't call him that."

"Oh okay,"

"So where do you live?"

"With the Avengers,"

"Like at the tower?"


"This is so crazy! I can't believe my best friend lives with the Avengers." I smile when he says 'best friend'.

I have a best friend.

"What's everyone like? What's Spiderman like?"

"Eh he's okay, nice I guess," it's weird talking about myself like this.

Class goes by quickly, I didn't pay attention to anything Mr Harrington said though.

We get up and go into the hallway. "Do you have gym next?" Ned asks.

"Yeah do you?" I say smiling.

"Yeah!" He says very excitedly.

We head towards the gym and go to the change rooms. We have a gym uniform here.

"Damn Peter you're ripped!" Ned says as I take off my shirt.

I look down at my stomach, I guess my ab's are pretty defined. Huh.

"Do you train with the Avenger?" He whispers.

"Yeah," I reply as finish getting changed.

We head out to the gym. "That is so cool! Does Hulk train as Hulk or as himself? Wait what does Hulk smell like?"

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