Chapter 70
"Wait up!" I call out as I lean forward on my throne in hopes af it going faster.
I'm in last right now, but I am NOT about to lose this race.
I shoot a web at the throne ahead of me's carriage, Rhodey I think, and pull myself and my throne toward it - one hand still on my button.
As I approach it I see Happy slow down beside me and I realize it's a yellow light.
I lean forward and wave at Happy as I make it through the intersection just in time as the light flickers to red.
I release my web when I'm a few feet from Rhodey's carriage, and change lanes so I can pass him.
I wave as I go by and I hear him curse under his breath.
2 down, 14 to go.
I see two thrones ahead of me, Sam and Bucky, bumping into each other like bumper cars.
"Would you stop it Barnes!" Sam groans and shoves his weight towards Bucky and their thrones collide.
"You," Bucky shoves back and they collide again, "Started it!"
I swerve my weight to the right and make a sharp turn. My throne bounces down a set of stairs and through an alley way. I weave my way through some dumpsters I used to search and I smile when I see the road up ahead.
I pop back out onto the road.
"Hey how did Peter pass us?!" I hear Sam shout and I laugh
I look back and stick my tongue out at them.
12 to go. I got this.
I peer ahead looking to see who I'll pass next.
"Go Peter!" Steve cheers from the lane beside me, he's patiently waiting behind a public bus as passengers board it.
"Thanks Steve!" I smile as I pass by him.
I weave through cars and stop at a red light. I look to the car beside me and choke on my own spit when I see who's driving it.
The driver seems to do the same and we stare at each other.
The light turns green and I don't have time to deal or think about Flash. I give him a wave and slam my button down.
He stays frozen, and the car behind him honks.
I bring my gaze back ahead of me, and I see another throne. I squint to make out who's riding it and gasp as it glows red and lifts off the ground.
Wanda. The throne and carriage float over a red light and plop back down on the other side of it.
I want to say that's cheating, but I have been using my webs so I guess I have been as well.
As I watch Wanda get further and further ahead of me while I'm stopped at a red, I think of ways to get around all these lights.
To my left, I notice a parked throne. It's sitting infront of a gas station, weird.
Ignoring all the questions forming in my head, I shoot a web on my button so I have both hands free and check out the wheels under the throne.
I hear a siren - a real one, not a Scott - and a police car wizzes past me.
I sneakily shoot a web at the bottom of the car for a speed boost, hoping the officer doesn't notice. Coasting off the car, I calculate how far from the tower I am and realize I'm running out of time.
Luckily this police car is going way above the speed limit, and I end up passung both Pepper and Wanda.
Scott's stuck on the side of the rode, it looks like his throne broke down.
I've passed 7 people now, plus the throne ot the gas station, so I should be around 9th place.
The police car pulls over, I release my weband slow down to the speed limit momentarily.
"Cinnamon Roll!" Pietro calls and I see that he's been pulled over by the officer - so that's who we were chasing.
"Hey Pietro!" I smile, maybe I do have a chance.
"Hey, stop!" The officer shouts and I look behind me to see a throne going even faster than Pietro was.
I swerve my throne out of the way and Clint blurs past me screaming. It looks like he's lost control of his throne.
I watch in horror as his throne goes off the road and onto the sidewalk, heading straight for the pool.
"Clint! Watch out!" I shout and his screams get drowned out but the splash.
I should check on him, but I know he would want me to continue racing.
"Go Peter, do it for me!" He shouts, confirming it.
"Hey! Get out of my pool!" someone shouts at him as I leave them behind.
Focus Peter.
A cloud forms over me and I look up.
"Oh, hey Peter!" Tony waves down at me. He's somehow attached mini rockets to his throne and is riding it in the sky.
I shake my head and turn forwards. I gasp when I see sparks.
This is my chance.
If I play this right, I can maybe win.
I web my button down again, and jump off the throne. I run beside it for a few seconds and web all my stuff to the carriage so it won't fall out.
I then pick it up and shoot my webs ahead.
I sprint after my target and dive for him as he rides through his portal.
Making it through just in time, I appear in front of the tower and dash ahead of Stephen, still carrying my throne and carriage.
"What the?" Stephen stops, clearly confused, and I jump up and down.
"Haha, I won! I won!"
Stephen sighs, "Whatever. Good job Peter, that was well played."
"Thanks Stephen," I smile, "Good job too, I couldn't have won without you!"
Nat rides in loudly, "How did you two get here so fast? I ran every red light!"

You're not Steve
Fanfiction14 year old Peter Parker's had nothing but bad luck, he's been homeless for 6 years. But things start to look up when he gets a wrong number text. The descriptions bad, but please give the story a chance. :) I don't own any of the characters, just m...