Bad Dream?

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Chapter 69

Peter's Pov:

"Peter come on!" Ned shouts at me and I grab his hand.

"Ned, are you sure we're going the right way?" I ask as we climb a never ending spiral staircase.

"I'm positive dude, it's just up the stairs."

"Ned you've been saying that for like 30 minutes," I groan as we keep skipping up the stairs.

"Peter. When we get there it will all be worth it, I promise."

I nod and we keep climbing.


"What was that?!"

I pull Ned down and we watch as a giant cat walks down the stairs towards us.

The cats stops infront of us and purrs. 

"Aww!" I give them a gentle pet, that turns into a hug.

The cat nudges us with their head, and we get on their back.

"Can you bring us up the stairs please?" Ned asks and the cat jumps straight up.

We fly through the walls and I close my eyes.

I open them when we stop moving and see clouds and cats.  So many cats.

"GET BACK HERE" a distinct voice screams.

"Clint?" I call out, I don't see him anywhere.

"NOT UNTIL YOU GIVE BACK MY TEDDY BEAR!" a different but also recognizable voice screams back.


Definitely Clint.

"Clint? Pietro?" I call out looking around.

The voices in the background get louder.


"Would you shut up?!"

"Some of us are trying to sleep!"

"GUYS?" I look back to ask Ned if he's hearing this but he's gone.

The clouds are gone too, a faint purple tints the sky.

I spin around and the cats are too.


I hear a snap and turn around but no one's there.

"Where did you go?"


"Peter?" Not Ned asks and someone touches my shoulder.

I jolt up and see Steve in a dinosaur onesie looking at me concerned.


He smiles, "You okay son? Bad dream? You were calling out in your sleep."

I shake my head, realization dawning on me. "Kind of."

That being a dream makes a lot more sense.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Ned, cat, stairs, snap everyone gone, uh purple clouds... Where's the others?" I ask looking around the tent we're in, still in a sleepy haze

"Clint and Pietro had a fight, which woke most of the others. Then Thor wanted more poptarts so he and a few others went out to get more, um, Scott thought he lost his Phoebe Bridgers record but he found it. Yeah!" He smiles at me.

I nod taking everything he just said in slowly.

"Wait how Thor out poptarts? Didn't bring like 10 boxes?"

Steve sighs, "Yeah, we did."

I yawn and Steve ruffles my hair.  "Tired? You should get back to sleep, I don't think we're leaving for a while so you have lots of time. Teenagers need lots of sleep," Steve places a mug of tea beside my sleeping bag.

"Okay, but will wake me something happens?" My words fade as my eyes get heavy.

"Will do. Sleep well."

"Thanks Pops" I say as I drift off to sleep.


"Excuse me!!" I jolt awake for the second time this morning.

Someone's knocking on the tent, which makes me laugh.

"Open up, please!" The person outside says sternly.

That's probably not good. I look around and see Steve and Bucky both sleeping beside me.

Bucky has his knitting resting on his chest, he must have fallen asleep while doing it, and Steve's curled on his side facing Bucky.

They look so peaceful, so I don't wake them and head outside by myself.

I unzip the tent, "Hello?"

I'm met with a park ranger, I didn't even know this park had them.

"You do realize that you're sleeping in a tent in the park right?"

"Uh, yes..?" I say slowly, this is probably not going to end well

"And do you know that that's not allowed?"

"Uh, no, we didn't - sorry." I say, fully stepping out of the tent.

They peer into the tent and freeze when they see who's inside.

They sigh, "I'm supposed to give you all a ticket, but if you didn't know it wasn't allowed... maybe I can let it slide, but you all have to leave immediately."

"Okay, thank you. I'll tell the others and we'll pack up!" I tell the park ranger.

They stand still and I realize they're waiting for me to start. I look back in my tent, Steve and Bucky are still sleeping so I decide I'll tell them last.

I run around looking for everything, and find Pietro hanging upside down from the monkey bars in the playground. 

"Hey Cinnamon Roll!" he waves and I wave back.

"Hey! We have to leave! Or we'll be fined!"


"We have to leave!" I shout this time and he jumps down and blurs over to me.

I explain what's going on and Pietro offers to wake everyone up for me.

When everyone's up, we divide everything we brought and prepare to head back.

The park ranger stares wide eyed in shock as we all walk by.

"Urgh the walk back is so long!"

"It is NOT long, its TEN minutes!"

"Loki can we just use thrones?"

Loki sighs dramatically then flicks his wrist and thrones appear under us all, each throne has a carriage trailing behind it with all out stuff.

"You are officially the best Loki!" Clint clasps his hands together.

"I know."

"Race you to the tower!" Pietro screams and smashes his button, zooming off.

We all frantically push our buttons down and I wave goodbye to the park ranger before riding my throne onto the road and chasing after the others.

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