[Post #1] [Hi, my name is Penguin]

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Hi. I'm Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer. I'm gonna start this blog because... quite frankly, I'm an awkward penguin who can't say anything without embarrassing himself and others around him. 

So you know how everyone has secrets? Well mine's super secret and no one is allowed to know. Except you maybe. 


So I'm gonna start a blog about him. 

It's gonna be called 'lettersfrompenguin.tumblr.com' and I'll be writing to Calum. 

[Post #1] [Hi, my name is Penguin]

Saturday 9/6/12 20:40

Hey C.H, today was fun wasn't it? We went downtown Sydney and bought loads of stuff. I got that new guitar capo... you chose an awesome looking bass guitar... we both bought that pack of 12 plectrums to share... I had an amazing time. It's funny though, because the whole time I was thinking, 'C.H is so hot.' It's creepy, isn't it? But I couldnt' help it - you're so annoying, playing with my feelings all the time. 

The other day you pinched my butt and gave me a boner. I mean, if that's not annoying then what is?

And sometimes you stare so deeply into my eyes. It gives me the chills. 

And yet you say you're straight. I mean, nothing wrong with being straight or gay or whatever - but you could at least tell me if you're gay, right? I know I'm dating a chick right now, however if I knew that you were gay, I'd dump her straight away and get with you. 

It's strange, these feelings I get. I'm not gay but I'm not bi but I'm not straight. So what am I? It's like I'm telling one of those annoying riddles. I'm green, I have slimy skin, and I croak... what am I? A frog! Yes that's right kids, I'm a frog!

Jack called from university the other day and gave me this massive rant about a gay dude who shares a dorm with him. I quote, "He always looks at me in this weird way, and I'm like, chill dude I got a girlfriend! Oh and he also has this super sexy voice that's way too cute. If I wasn't with Celeste, I'd totally fall for him."

This made me realise that maybe it's not so weird to fancy guys. 

UNFORTUNATELY, being shy and awkward, I can't tell you how I feel in person. Firstly, you'll get creeped out by the fact that you could be in a band with some gay douche, and secondly you might be homophobic and if that's the case, I'm doomed. 

I know you're my best friend and all that, but no. I'm gonna bottle up my feelings and post them on here instead. Tomorrow we're spending the whole day with M.C so I probably won't be able to speak to you. 

Until then. 


Penguin <(")

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