[Post #23] [Cuddle?]

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"You guys won! That's not fair, you were together," Michael whines, pouting as he collapses on the sofa. "You're both annoying. I'm not talking to you anymore." He does smile a little though, as he says those words, as if he's implying something. Well; I suppose we did get to spend time together, maybe he really is rooting for me!

"C'mon Michael don't be like that. We're ordering pizza tonight, they're sending it to the venue!"

His eyes light up and suddenly he becomes all kitten-like again. Calum sighs contently and rests his head on my lap, putting his feet up on the sofa arm. "That was fun," he whispers. I look down and smile. 

"Who'd think guys in their teens would enjoy playing hide and seek that much, eh?" I reply. He chuckles and adjusts his position before closing his eyes.

Suddenly I have this urge to kiss him. My head leans downwards, edging closer; until Michael bursts out laughing, causing me to jerk away. "Oh my God noooo Ashton that's not okay!!"

"Why are you overreacting? Jeez, all I said was I wanted to try olives on my pizza today... wow."

Michael looks at me with a look that says 'for-frick's-sake-you-moron-what-are-you-trying-to-pull-?!' and I stare back blankly, mouthing, 'I don't know' back to him and he rolls his eyes. Ashton is completely unaware of our exchange, still confused about why Michael overreacted in such a way. Of course... I can't kiss him here. Ashton still doesn't know about my blog, or that I like Calum. I do need to talk to him though, because he really does offer great advice and that's all I need right now. 

"Boys, you're on in ten," our manager Matt says through the gap in the door. I take a deep breath and calm my nerves. Playing all these shows does make me less nervous than before, but doesn't completely stop my insides from releasing adrenaline and causing my heart to pump faster. Calum groans, sitting up.

"Do we have to go up today?" he moans. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Of course we do, we've got fans to please."

"They're not even our fans though."

I sigh. "You can't think of it that way. In a year's time, you never know! They could all be our fans. Besides, some of them do still sing along to our songs to there are some out there."

"Fine... but can we cuddle when we're done?"

"I don't know how that has anything to do with this, but sure..."

He smiles widely and lies back down for a moment. "Thanks Lucas."

He hasn't called me that in ages.

This feels so good... 

"Now get your ass off the sofa and let's do our pre-show ritual."

[Post #23] [Cuddle?]

Saturday 2/3/13 23:46

Dear C.H.,

I'm exhausted! It's been a while since we all just sat around in the venue, talking and generally having fun. You laid on my lap, which was super nice, and the show went well too. I dunno, I feel we're really connecting with the audience now. Word has spread about the band opening for their favourite boyband, so we're pretty well known at this point. It's a great feeling, really.

After the show we were all sweating like mad, but stepped into the venue showers to get rid of it all. It was a communal shower room, but it wasn't like we weren't used to seeing each other naked. I just hadn't seen you naked in such a long time, that well... I don't know. I felt a bit strange. I didn't want to look, I had to control myself. I had to stare at the ceramic walls for goodness sake, and that was awful. 

At least afterwards, once we'd toweled ourselves and gotten dry, we got to hug. Twice, might I add. First we sat on the sofa and you cuddled into me, whispering the sweet word 'cuddle?' into my ear softly. I didn't give you an answer, instead just letting you do it. 

The second time was on the tour bus. Although it was late, we went into the back room and played games for a bit; then you got tired and I got tired so we went to bed and cuddled there for maybe twenty minutes, then stopping because I was literally about to fall asleep and I didn't want M or A seeing us.

Speaking of which. I'd like to talk to A at some point, but we haven't had much time so far this tour. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow, at lunchtime? But where would I get privacy? 

Ah well. Too bad; whether or not I get to talk to him, I don't mind too much, but I'd like him to know that I like you as it'd be unfair if M knew but not A.  I'm blabbing, sorry. You know me by now.

You're now on your bunk fast asleep, whilst I'm typing to you. If only I could say these words out loud... but I guess I'm just Penguin. I can't do these things with ease.


Penguin <(")


Thanks for reading :))))

Dedication this week goes to....... luvmystydiax for voting! Thank you :) Here is your virtual pot of 5SOS honey; it's soooo sweet and goes well with the popcorn you eat when watching drama happen on Twitter! Go ahead and accept it, it's the least I can do ;) Thankssss!

So another week of January gone by, huh? Time flies. TOO FAST. Makes me want to write poetry about it........

Please refrain from writing poetry, Kimmy, you're no good at it ok?

ANYWAY I'll be back next week with another chapter (or two) of The Blog! Thanks for reading everyone! Don't forget to leave a vote/comment in your wake to make me smile :D

Kimmy xx

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