[Post #28] [Happiness]

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"Holy crap! Yes Cal, YES!" Michael replies excitedly, jumping up and down, rubbing his hands like some sort of magician. "You go buddy. You guys should have sex now."

"Michael, relationships aren't all about sex."

"Yes they are!"

"And you wonder why no one wants to date you."

"Hey. That's not true..."

I clear my throat. "Whatever you say." Then I remember that I stupidly lied and told Luke I didn't know about his blog. Like seriously, why did I do that? What's so wrong with knowing about his blog, I mean he's writing to me anyway. "But could you try to keep the fact that I don't know about his blog a secret? I somehow told him I hadn't read it."

He raises an eyebrow suspiciously. "Okay... that's fine but... whatever. Yeah I'll keep my mouth shut."

"Thanks. It means a lot, okay?"

"Naw, you sappy lovebird. Get out of my sight."

"Hey, don't make me bring up what you and Ashton got up to last night."

He goes a deep shade of red in the fastest reaction time I've ever seen and runs off to the bunks, leaving me to lie on the leather sofas in peace. How I managed to tell Luke, I have no idea - but it's off my chest now and hopefully things don't get awkward or anything - I'd definitely hate that.


"So you guys are like, going out now?" Ashton confirms. He's slouched on the sofa whilst Michael and Calum are playing a game. I'm on the floor behind Calum, cuddling him.

"I guess. We don't really know yet." I look at Calum, the green from the TV reflecting in his dark eyes. "Isn't that right?" 

"Yup," he replies, pausing the game and turning so our faces touch. "We are both getting what we want."

"But the question is... have you guys kissed yet?" Michael asks with a sly smile. He knows, because he's read the blog - but I don't think Ashton has read it yet. I heat up anyway, simply because the thought of kissing Calum makes me warm and happy. Especially his lips. Oh yeah, those lips... "Earth to Luke? I'm sorry, did I disturb your wet daydream?"

"Shut up!" I spit, standing and shaking my head. "I'm getting some water."

I head outside where it's a bit colder and walk past the bunks into the kitchen area. A few crew members are sitting down chatting. "Evening Luke," Derek greets, taking a big gulp of his beer. "Thirsty?"


"Listen mate. Congrats on you and Calum - Michael told me earlier that you guys had finally told each other your feelings. We're all happy for you, cheering you on! Play a rocking show tonight, yeah?"

With a massive smile, I thank him and get some water before scurrying off back to the back room.

[Post #28] [Happiness]

Wednesday 13/3/13 22:01

Dear C.H.,

An awesome day today. I don't ever want this to end, I want you to love me forever and ever because your love fills me with something unexplainable, a feeling that only you can make me experience. 

We played our second night at Dublin tonight and so many times you ran over to my mic when I was singing, looking me in the eye and singing with me. We played our instruments in harmony and watched as the new faces of the arena smiled, some singing along to our songs. One or two held up signs, but the vast majority had no idea who we were and kind of stood around biting their nails.

We may just be an opening act but we're also making the most of this opportunity. I'm so glad that I'm guaranteed to spend the next few weeks with you as well; I think it's gonna bring us closer. We shared a short kiss this evening, in secret away from the other two, who'd probably mock us about it if they knew. 

See that's the thing I love about our relationship now.

I don't have to be scared to show you affection.

I don't have to live in fear, knowing that you'll never like me back.

I've reached my end-point, my goal has been achieved. And I guess I don't really know what to do anymore, now that it's happened. We're together. No one else is going to steal you away, at least not on my watch. Not whilst these feelings are so strong and fresh. I could take anyone on with the amount of love in me right now (and no, I don't mean your cum).

Life is unbelievably good right now - it's treating me in all the right ways, and I've changed a lot during the process. Sure, I might still be awkward as heck but at least I'm with the person I love the most even before one year of me crushing on you has passed.

I'm lucky to have you, C. And I'm never letting you go.


Penguin <(")

petewentzisbae: u guys are so ew. u thought that i didnt know about dat kiss? i saw it with my own 2 eyez boi

Hey guys!

Thanks for reading. Sorry for this unbelievably mawkish chapter! Something bad is happening in the next chapter so don't think this is the end... hehehee >:)

Dedication goes to..................... scaryunicornch for following me! Thank you so much! Your reward is a virtual 5SOS doll set - you get 50 free virtual outfits too for being so awesome :) But yeah, thanks for following and I hope you're enjoying my stories!

That's all - see you guys soon for the last few chapters! 

Kimmy xx

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