[Post #25] [Cake]

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My eyes fixate themselves on his most recent post. It's called 'The Wait' and although I'm anticipating it, I also can't wait to see what's been going through his head of late.

Upon reading this, my jaw almost drops, leaving me sat on the toilet gawking.

'I'm going to talk to him before next week, and if I don't then I'll stop loving him.'

Holy shit. What does that even mean? Is it possible for him to just suddenly stop loving me? I try to snap out of my spiraling thoughts but am disturbed when someone knocks on the door. "Cal, could you hurry up? I kinda need to pee," Luke calls. I panic, grabbing some loo roll and pretending to wipe my bum before flushing the uncontaminated water and exiting the toilet without looking him in the eye. I rush over to the back room whilst he's in there and quickly whisper to the other two.

"Did you guys see his most recent post?" I hiss.

"I don't even know the name of his blog," Ashton replies dumbstruck. Michael rolls his eyes and looks at me firmly.

"Yeah. You'd better make a move if you don't want him to stop. You like him, don't you?" Half-reluctantly I nod. "Then go talk to him already. He seems pretty desperate but you know him, you know he's not gonna go making any first moves any time soon."

I sigh. "You're right but..."

"But what?"

"What happens after we find out we like each other?" I spill out, the words coming out in a jumble.

Michael smiles gently. "Then, you go out and see whether you guys are truly compatible."

"Yeah and then?"

"That's not for me to decide, Cal. Only you and him can make that decision and quite frankly you won't be able to unless you talk to him. OKAY?"

Ashton nods at what Michael just said. "Yeah Cal. You need to think this through yourself, and be careful won't you? Luke seems pretty worried about liking you. He talked to me the other day and I told him to just talk to you. Okay now I'm confused. Listen, find a time within this next week, sit him down and ask him about his feelings. Also explain your feelings."

"Okay." It's a short answer but it will do.

On cue, Luke walks in looking all confused and tired, it being ten pm and all. We had a day off from our four shows in Belfast and mainly stayed on the bus, playing games and singing along to Michael's guitar. He sits himself down on the couch and flips out his phone, obviously scrolling through Twitter and reading stuff fans sent in. We have a decent amount of followers nowadays and touring with 1D has definitely helped that.

For better or for worse, we are yet to find out.

[Post #25] [Cake]

Saturday 9/3/13 22:47

Dear C.H.,

Today I saw a post on Twitter that made me smile a lot. It was a picture of us playing at a show recently, looking at each other, and the caption read 'I SHIP CAKE SO MUCH IT HURTSS'. I don't know why but I found it really sweet. The name 'cake' is also really nice. Whether the fan ships us as friends or romantically, I don't know, but it sure as hell made me smile.

Someone out there loves the thought of us being together.

And that's such a great feeling, I don't think you'll ever understand. I mean, unless of course you like me too, which is probably highly unlikely but I don't know. I found myself thinking back to the day you accidentally kissed me (well I don't think it was accidental personally but I'm biased). Although I can't quite materialise the feeling of your lips on mine, I can relate to the beating of my heart at that moment and the disappointment when you left soon after.

It brings me back. It really does. It also gives me motivation to talk to you. Which I'm supposed to do soon, I've just realised. 

Right now I'm on my bunk, eyes switching from my phone to you, who is just opposite me as usual. I don't want this tour to end if it means I can sleep 'next' to you each night. It's so special, and under-appreciated - and I'm afraid of what's going to happen next. I understand that nothing stays the same forever so I'm going to make the most of what time I have now.

I also need to stop saying what I want to say to you on this blog instead of in person.

It's really not working anymore.

It's time to do something about this burning passion, these fiery feelings that have hurt me for so long that I'm desperate to get rid of them, and replace them with love. 

Mutual love, might I add.

So thank you for reading. I'll decide after I confess whether I'll post again... but for now prepare for my destruction. I think... I think he's going to reject me. There's hardly any chance that he'll accept my feelings, so thanks for keeping my company whilst I typed madly away into the night.


Penguin <(")

petewentzisbae: but u cant go what will i comment on now

Hey :) 

Thanks for reading everyone! It's been a busy week and I'm not sure if I'll be able to update twice this weekend!

Dedication this week goes to _hyuga00 for adding this story to a list! Thank you and I hope you're enjoying this so far! Here's your virtual 5SOS poster, it's 10mx25m and had both  fetus pictures and recent ones too! Enjoy it, you deserve it for reading this story :) Thank you!

That's it for this week guys! Thanks and stay awesome you little cake shippers <3

Kimmy xx

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