[Post #13] [Reunion]

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The picture, my thoughts: nice try but we know that cake is real and no excuses need to be made for that ^_^ Typical Michael tho lol always tryna make muke happen


It's weird, this feeling I've been having in my chest. It's like a constant uncomfortable stirring, that causes aches and hot cheeks. Ever since I told Ashton that I thought I liked Luke, I've been feeling awfully strange. And now that we're on our way to London, I'm actually a bit nervous.

"It's going to be fine Calum. If you like him, you'll know when you see him!" Ashton exclaims as we board the plane. 

"Yeah but I still can't help it."

"Do you want me to talk to him first?"

"No! I mean, no... I just... I don't know."

He puts a hand on my arm. "You're a bit vulnerable right now." I mutter 'no shit' under my breath. "Wait till we get there. The plane won't take long, he'll be waiting for us at the airport. You'll know once we get there, you mark my words."

I lean back in my seat whilst the plane prepares for take-off, mind full of Luke and his voice. I really don't know anymore. I guess there's some reassurance I have from reading his blog, because I know that whether I like him or not, he'll like me. It's obvious. What I don't want to happen, is for me to say I like him and then realise that he's fallen out of love. That would just be plain awkward.


Before I know it, we land in London and everyone's getting their bags from the overhead compartments, lining up to leave the plane and continue with their lives. I wake Ashton up and we exit the small airbus, following the signs to pick up our luggage.

Strange. Luke isn't waiting at Arrivals for us. 

"Where's Luke?" Ashton asks Adam, who has a cringey picture of Ashton and I stuck on a flag. What is he thinking, honestly...

"He's still overly jet-lagged, he said he wanted to stay at home with Michael."

'With Michael'. Why did those two words hurt so much?

"Oh okay. How far is it from here?"

"Only around thirty minutes. Come on, let's go. You guys came just in time for dinner!"

The journey back to the apartment is silent. 

"Calum, haven't said much today. What's up?" Adam asks. I keep staring out the window into the bleak wintry skies, a hint of orange lighting up the sky as the sun sets. So far, London has amazed me with its tall skyscrapers and grey skies, red buses and tourists even in September.

"He's a little tired, that's all," Ashton replies for me. I shrug and stare.

"Well we're almost there, start thinking about what you'd like for dinner."

We pull in to the road and the taxi driver states that we owe him £17.20. Wow taxis here are expensive. I look up at the old-ish building and see Luke standing by the window, not looking out just leaning against it. There's Michael, in front of him. They appear to be talking.

"You're on the 2nd floor. I'm living just downstairs from you; here's another key. Between all four of you, you only have two keys so please don't lose one because not only will I have to pay for a replacement, but you will also have to travel as a four. Come on now, let's get you inside," Adam hurries. I anticipate even more with each step, but I know that once that door opens, I'll know how I feel.

"Calum! Ashton! How was Scotland?" Michael bursts out from the door and hugs us both. Standing behind him is a slightly scared looking Luke.

[Post #13] [Reunion]

Tuesday 25/9/12 22:59

Dear C.H.,

Hi there. It was nice to see you again.

For some reason I feel like you're not acting as usual; you don't randomly hug me or put your arms around my shoulders or sit on me or nuzzle your head into my neck. I don't get it because I've been wanting you to do that kinda stuff for the past few days and I dunno, I guess I feel a bit let down? 

Did something happen in Scotland? Did you and A........

Actually, I won't ask. I don't want to know.

M has this permanent smug look now every time we talk. I don't get him. I don't get anyone in this band anymore, A acts like he knows something I don't. If only we could all just come straight out with the truth, without all this secrecy; maybe everything would be easier that way.

I guess if I want that to happen, I have to speak up first. Having a crush on your fellow band member is pretty big I think, and can hinder everyday life especially if none of the others know about it. I don't think I'm that obvious but maybe they already know. Sure hope not.

It's quite late; we had a late dinner at this place called 'Nando's'. It was really good, you seemed to like it in particular. Perhaps we'll eat they more often :) Now I'm in the bathroom pretending I'm having a shower whilst I write this. Literally, the water is running but I'm just typing away. I'm so good at being secret.

Well, okay. I'll stop now. You just asked me to hurry up. Or was it M? It's unclear, I can't really hear. Anyway I'll just go, that's easiest. 


Penguin (<")

petewentzisbae: it was me u idiot and wtf 'permanent smug look' how ruuuuude i bet those 2 got up to all sorts of naughtee stuff lool

A/N: OKAY wow. I'm up really early and I'm not even tired. It's Monday :( SCHOOL but only three days to go, I'm pretty happy about that.

I think i'm doing a double update 2day. Yay :)

ok gonna go and continue writing! thanks and todays dedication goes to.... imacalgirl because you ALWAYS comment and you ALWAYS vote and I'm SO SO SO happy because of that! Here, your prize, a freshly made batch of virtual gingerbread cookies decorated with pink icing and edible snowflakes :) ah i love festive cheer

see you guys sooooon ^_^

Kimmy xx

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