[Post #11] [Scotland]

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A few weeks pass and Adam announces that we're heading to London for a few days, to sort out new management and stuff. There's talk of Calum stopping in Scotland with a mate to see family, and of course, I'm super eager.

"Pleeeeease mum, please can I go?" I whine at my mum whilst she's sat in front of the TV, marking work.

"No Luke - you're already costing us a lot of money, going to Scotland is going to double the amount we're paying."

"Oh but I can do the dishes and chores and stuff like that to make up for it? I promise I won't break any more plates...?"

She sighs and puts down her work in frustration. "I said no, Luke, now go upstairs and do your homework."

I pout and head upstairs, so desperate to go with Calum and so mad at mum for not letting me. Picking up my phone, I text Calum, notifying him of what's just happened. 

hey, sorry mum says i cant go :( 

no prob, ash says he can come. i'll let adam know

oh. okay, see u tomorrow then.

good night

I let out this huge sigh. I've lost to Ashton. Now I have to leave later, and be on my own in London for one whole day till Michael comes ( we couldn't get the same flight). It's going to be so great... Add that to hate I've been getting from Aleisha's friends, and you've got a pretty messed up life ahead.

Mum tells me to start packing my suitcase so I do, filling it up with dumb shirts and some jeans, two extra pairs of shoes and electronics. Just as I finish up, Adam sends an email.

RE: London :D

Hey 5SOS! Just some last minute things before you fly off tomorrow.

Don't forget your guitars, Luke and Michael, when you fly. They are VERY important, unless you want to be playing on some old guitar from the office. Ashton, cajon! I know you won't forget but I still need to remind you just in case.

Bring enough clothes but you'll have opportunities to buy more when we're there.

You can check the updated itinerary if you like, I've attached it; it's very detailed but I've but the important bits in bold so you can highlight those if you want.

Luke, you're the first to be flying; make sure you're at the airport tomorrow before 2pm so you can check in and board in good time. I'll meet you on the other side, in London.

Calum and Ashton, you guys can stay in Scotland until 25th September. Then you need to hurry over as we're meeting Modest! on the day after.

Michael... just turn up yeah?

Okay, that's all. Have a very safe journey, enjoy your first trip to London; I'll see you all later!

Best wishes,


I chuckle at the email and lock my phone. Time to write.

[Post #11] [Scotland]

Friday 21/9/12 20:34

Dear C.H.,

I'm super annoyed that I can't come with you, but I guess that's life... always want what you can't have, and you can't have everything. I'm all packed up, ready to head off tomorrow.

Scotland could have been so good, I keep having daydreams of what we could be doing. I hear it's not too cold round this time of the month too, and I could go meet your family. 

It's always mum, eh? Stops me from doing a lot. I know that one day I'll thank her for it, but I just wanna live sometimes, you know? I wanna do things that I don't usually get to do. I don't want you to spend a whole three days with A. People tend to grow closer when they spend a lot of time together, and what if you end up having to share a bed... oh my god what am I thinking... of course you won't, you're straight... wait that doesn't matter he's your friend... uhhhh okay I'll stop.

On a brighter note, our first time to London eh? This could well be the start of something really awesome. 

I'll write again once we're in London.


Penguin <(")

petewentzisbae says: a.i don't you try anything mate or u will get a brokun hearted penguiin

A/N: omg this was so awful what am i doing?!?! soz i wrote this on the bus just now and now i'm at school and ew school

but yeah. Hope u enjoyed!

DEDICATION TOOOOOO.... CakeisgayerthanObama because we had an awesome duet :D and also because they support this story and i love you for doing that! And also because I thought i'd dedicated something already but turns out I haven't. THANK YOU enjoy your virtual cake (bc this is a cake fanfic get it lol)

okay gonna go now! Thank you again and don't forget to vote/comment :) Might do a character questions chapter so if you have any questions... drop em down below :D

Kimmy x

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