[Post #10] [Heartbreak Coffee]

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-Chapter 10 already wowow- 


School starts again. The air has been really heavy since we found out that Luke and Aleisha broke up; Luke spends a lot of his time moping around and I found him in the bathroom crying a few days ago. I'm confused as to why they broke up, and then I randomly decide to read his last blog post.

All I can think about when I'm with her is your butt, naked; so I'm going to end it.  

Wow. Wow.

Luke Hemmings, just how far gone are you? Where are you taking all this? Are you delusional or just hormonal?

"Luke. Luke. Luke look at me."

We're on the way home, and he's walking in front of me with his heavy rucksack slouched over one shoulder. "What do you want."

"Why did you guys break up? Things were going fine as they were."

He shrugs as I catch up to his pace. "From the outside they were, inside we both knew it wasn't really going to work. Besides, our band is beginning to take off, what if we go abroad or something, won't we have to break up anyway?"

"Not necessarily."

"Look; just accept my decision yeah? It's not like I only did this for myself..."

"W..what do you mean?"

He clears his throat and speeds up again, turning the corner and arriving at his house. "Gotta go. See you tomorrow."

I raise my eyebrows and sigh, dismissing it and walking ahead, back home where I don't have to think about all this shit. 

'This shit' being Luke Hemmings, because that kiss I forced onto him is still in my mind and I'm going fucking crazy because of it. Do I like him? Should I like him? What will happen if I do like him?

I stop in my tracks and run back to Luke's house, knocking on the door in a rush. Luke opens it, still untying his shoes. "Cal?"

"Luke - come to Starbucks with me tomorrow. It's a Saturday and we don't have band practice. Okay?"

I run off again before he can reply, but then I realise I haven't given any details. 

"Be there at 3pm!" I holler, smiling as I see his confused state with one shoe still untied. He smiles back and nods. Oh what the heck am I doing? This isn't a date, is it? No, no it's just a friendly meeting between good mates. Nothing more. It won't be. I won't let it.

[Post #10] [Heartbreak Coffee]

Saturday 1/9/12 19:23

Dear C.H.,

The first of September, 2012.

What a great start to the month; and I mean it. You took me for coffee in the afternoon and we just talked for absolutely ages, about weird stuff like why A and myself came to an end, where the band was going next, how your parents were thinking of buying you a new bass; we even talked (briefly) about the kiss.

You said, and I quote, 'L, I know I told you to forget about the kiss. But I myself can't come to terms with what I did, why I did it, and what the consequences would be. I don't know if the alcohol got the better of me, whether your lips just looked inviting, or whether I genuinely have feelings for you.'

I replied, 'What if it's the latter?'

You mournfully said, 'I don't know. That's the thing. I'm really confused right now. I myself want to be able to forget it and move on.'

'Okay C. I understand.'

You were really lovely to me and I've been feeling shitty over the past few days because of the break-up. I know you're the reason I broke up with her but both a sense of guilt and nostalgia overcame me, causing me to break down a couple times at school, and at home. You kept me smiling, you told a ton of awful jokes, you were even sassy to the store manager when he asked how long we'd be there for.

I'd go for heartbreak coffee with you any day, even if my heart is still breaking because of you. It's in fragments, and I think you're the only one who can fix it. You've already done a great job, and I'm already much happier; thank you. 

What's keeping me going through all this, you might be wondering? Your smile, your lanky legs, your beautiful laugh, your not-so-great guitar playing, your amazing football skills, and most of all -

Your voice.

If I could record it and listen to it whilst I slept, I really would. I'll cut out all your solos in our music from now on and create a mash up. It already sounds like a great idea. I hope you can cooperate in my plan and sing reeeeally well in all our new songs.


Penguin <(")

petewentzisbae: so that's where u guys went jfc

A/N: yay! We're at chapter 10. Thank you guys so much for reading it so far, I'm reeeeally happy that this is on 700 reads right now! it's crazy, and I'm so immensely grateful to you for reading it.

Sydney yesterday was so fun :) the weather was really nice! My brother and I went shopping with our parents and we all had dinner in this posh restaurant. It was a long day but I'm back in good old Newcastle now, ready for the last couple days of school :D

It's dedication time!!! *drumroll* this chapter's dedication goes to..... blackhoneyblossom for being awesome and reading this!! Click here to receive your virtual $1,000 band merch gift card (it's a joke please don't click nothing will happen...!) but thank you! Thank you a lot :) 

Okay! Time for me to go. Thank you thank you thank you for supporting this story so far :) hope lots more will follow!

Kimmy xx

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