[Post #4] [Twitter]

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I scroll through my feed aimlessly. It's eleven at night, but there's no school tomorrow as it's a Saturday. Luke and I'd been down to central Sydney for musical reasons, and now I'm staring at the plectrums we bought. I'm bored out of my mind.

@calum5sos i saw u guys in sydney 2day! made this gif, check it out: pic.twitter.com/c16A7kegAteau

I click on the gif, and see a short clip of me, with Luke in the background. I'm laughing at the camera, whilst Luke stares from behind. He looks really sad for some reason. I close my eyes and think back to what happened today, and remember that a few fans stopped us to take pictures and say hi. One fan was really pretty and she'd obviously dressed up for the occasion. I complimented her, and she told me to say something to the friend she was videoing me for. I just said a few kind words, smiled, and she turned it off, giving me a hug. What's so bad about that?

I'm at it for another few minutes, before deciding to sleep. A text arrives, from Luke.

hey cal. good night. xx

Weird. He never texts me at night, especially not to say good night. I check the date, it's the 9th June, not my birthday. I dismiss it and lock my phone, but I'm distracted once more when someone mentions me in a tweet.


is this blog about you @calum5sos? lettersfrompenguin.tumblr.com

I tap on the link, and up comes a picture of a penguin in the arms of a puppy. There's only one post, and I stop breathing momentarily as I realise what the heck is going on.

This is Luke's blog.

And it's evident he's writing to me.

[Post #4] [Twitter]

Monday 18/6/12 20:13

Dear C,

Mondays are always better when they're spent with you. We hardly ever get to eat lunch alone, but today M wasn't here, and we ate together. I know I'm not the only one for you, but you're the only one for me, and I don't care that you've got tons of girls chasing after you, I don't care that I'm currently chained in a relationship; I'll get out of it for you. You mark my words.

I love using Twitter to indirectly talk to you. It's something I've been doing more and more these days, solely because it's so easy. No one knows about my feelings towards you, and they'd never guess either. It's just me behind a phone screen, typing what I'm too scared to say in words. They'll think I'm talking about Aleisha.

I'll leave you with one last thing.

I prefer it when your hair isn't that long, and hope that you cut it soon.

(I told you I'm an awkward penguin.)

Penguin <(")

A/N: Thx u guys for reading :)) I'll try to update soon, let me know what you think! x

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