[Post #17] [Moving]

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The image is actually from their London trip >_< I am 99.9% sure Luke is under Calum bc Michael was in a different pic :) JUST LOOK AT THEM


"Now, you boys must remember to call me when you arrive, okay?" mum says sternly before giving me a huge hug. "I'll miss you Lucas." She also gives the other three hugs and then we make our way to the boarding gate. It's goodbye Sydney, hello London.

That's right; we're moving. Crazy, right? It's going to be an absolutely awesome experience, especially with the line-up of songwriting sessions we're getting there. Adam says it'll be a big step towards our first album, which after our recent release of Somewhere New is already a very refreshing thought. It's a shame Adam won't be staying with us though, now that Modest! is taking over our management, he's gonna go back to Sydney and do what he does best.

Calum takes his place next to me on the plane, leaning his head on my shoulder. I still haven't confessed to him and it's been a couple of months but I'm enjoying how it is now. We're very close, and it almost feels like we're dating already, minus the kissing and sex. "We're doing this again, going back to London. Doesn't it feel strange?" he muses idly. I nod and buckle my seatbelt even though we're far from taking off. It's a habit I guess, from mum. Oh mum. I think I'm gonna miss you very much.

"I'm scared Ashton..." we hear Michael say. I smile. 

Ashton groans. "Didn't you make this journey already?!"

"Yeeeah but that was like two months ago. Besides... that doesn't stop me from being scared right?"

He sighs in response but it turns into an upturned frown. They're such good friends, it's cute. I look at Calum, who's eyes are scanning the area for his earphones that dropped a minute ago. "Wanna share? There's not much space to look right now."


I put on a random playlist of music and we settle down. We decided on a late night flight so it'd be easier to switch time zones; we'd inevitably be tired when we got to London, but this would prevent it from being too much. Soon, Calum falls asleep and I'm stuck with his heavy head on my weak shoulder.

Nothing wrong with that. I actually quite like it.


It's almost 10pm when we finally get to our new accommodation; a semi-detached house with a cute little garden and three bedrooms. Calum's so tired, he's been sleeping on my shoulder the whole car journey from the airport. 

"Calum, wakey wakey. We're here," I say quietly, shaking him gently with my hand. He rouses and yawns, reluctantly standing up. 

"What time is it?"

"Ten-ish," I reply.

"Let's go straight to bed..." he mumbles, not giving a damn about his luggage and instead pulling me off the minibus and into the house. "You're with me..."

"If you say so," I reply with excitement building up in my stomach. 

"This bedroom'll do." 

He's still not awake so trips over some inanimate object and falls onto the bed, pulling me on top of him by accident. Our noses touch. Our foreheads press against each others. I can feel his warm breath vapour on my face.

His eyes are closed so I assume he's asleep.

So I do it. 

I kiss him.

[Post #17] [Moving]

Wednesday 19/12/12 20:10

Dear C.H.,

Hi there. It's been a veeeeery long time, I'm sorry, but I'm back and we're in London again. I don't know why I didn't write, I guess life was just going so well that there was nothing more I could ask for. 

I mean, we're still not together.

But we're close and I may or may not have sneaked a kiss last night whilst you were asleep. I'm very sorry, but it was such a great opportunity and I promise it wasn't raunchy or long-lasting, it was just a brush of the lips. Then I jumped off and blushed very hard with my head against the wall.

I wonder when I'm gonna tell you. 

Anyway - what happened today? Today was a great day, we unpacked our suitcases in our respective rooms (I'm staying with you, in case you forgot) and went out for a meal with the guys from Modest. We also rehearsed a little bit, not seriously, we just played around. Apparently, we have our first songwriting session tomorrow and we're also going to check out some music shops for guitars and stuff. It's truly very exciting, and I'm glad I get to spend it with you.

There are two beds in our rooms but I dunno, I guess we just prefer to sleep in one. They are tiny beds and we always end up falling off in the middle of the night, but it's really fun. Michael has walked in numerous times hoping to join, but ultimately gets dragged off by Ashton. It's better this way :)

Sydney days seem so far away. Going to school - that's probably never going to happen ever again. It's kinda sad but at the same time I guess I like that. We don't ever have to be scolded by teachers, or teased by bullies, or be afraid of being who we are. Basically we can be adults for the first time ever. And the best bit? We get to stay adults.

I mean, technically we are legal. Now it's just getting to the point where we're both mentally ready for it. If I don't man up, I guess I'm looking at a couple more months. Heck, I can't wait that long.

Okay, well I'm gonna go. Nice writing to you again C.


Penguin <(")

petewentzisbae: UR BACK HUZZAH

A/N: Yippee I made the trailer! Do share with friends if you want :) https://youtu.be/Iea4D8qIrxk

I had loads of fun making this and I'm pretty pleased with the outcome! much better than the falling one hahaa..... 

Dedication goes to... pixieisabella for voting :) Hope you will continue to read! Have this virtual 5SOS perfume; it's top secret and only sold on the virtual black market so use it well! 

I think good things will be happening next. Can't wait to write more :)

See you guys soon! And thank you all for your votes and comments, they make me really happy!

Kimmy xx

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