[Post #7] [Sunsets and Stars]

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It's the winter holidays. It's pretty cold here in Sydney but for some crazy reason, Michael decided to have a group 'camp out' in the forests nearby, so now I'm in my bedroom packing a few clothes and throwing random shit into a black duffel bag. Michael has magically gotten hold of a tent, but it's only a two person one so it'll be such a tight squeeze; Ashton must be so sick of us at this point. I'm surprised he's still in the band.

My phone rings from across the room, and lazily I crawl over to pick it up. Before I can though, Calum appears at my door with his own bag, this time a backpack. The phone stops vibrating and I see that Michael has just called. He leaves a text saying 'be at yours in 10', and then I turn to Calum.

"How'd you get in Cal? You're absolutely mad. Gave me a heart attack too."

He simply smirks and jumps onto my bed, causing the contents of my bag to spill. "Oops..." he giggles, sending shivers up my back. "Yeah I kinda brought out dog treats for Molly who wouldn't stop barking so your mum would hurry up and open the door. She isn't too pleased about that..."

"Idiot. Michael says he'll be here in 10. I'm assuming he's coming with Ash?"

"Probably. Those two, they're always up to something.

"You know, they'd probably say the same about us. We go everywhere together." I blush a little as I realise what I've just said.

He gets off my bed and walks over to my desk, where I'm leaning. "Do you want them to think that?" he says quietly. He's awfully close now, and traps me by putting both hands around my waist on the table behind me.

"S-shut up Cal. C-c'mon. You've ruined my packing, I-I need to redo it-"

"Don't think I don't know what you want Lucas," he whispers, before walking back to the bed.

Holy fuck. What does he know?

I don't get the chance to ask because Michael starts throwing rocks at my window and it's not even midnight. Ashton's behind him, playfully telling him to stop. I open the window and holler, "We're coming down!" and then we're off.


Although it's winter and the sun sets early, it's so beautiful tonight that none of us can stop our mouths from gawping, out eyes from twinkling. Pinks, oranges and blues paint the sky in random strokes, white clouds dotted around here and there. Hints of black also make their appearances, warning us that night is on its way; the stars are coming out to play.

We set up our tent which really is tiny, and throw our sleeping bags in a huge mess in the middle, then go outside and sit on the damp overgrowth, staring at the sky. Michael gets a guitar out and starts to strum a little tune, whilst Ashton and Calum light up the bonfire.

I just sit and think about what's happening in my life, and how my mess can be cleaned up.

Maybe it can't.

[Post #7] [Sunsets and Stars]

Sunday 12/8/12 21:09

Dear C.H.,

Yesterday, we went camping with M and A.

It was a glorious evening; once we settled down, we played some songs by the bonfire and gazed at the bright stars above. You did a solo of your song, GGO. I did a duet with M of some Justin Bieber stuff. A found two tree branches and played on a make-shift drumkit. It was a great bonding exercise, and when it got to one am, we decided to get to sleep in our tiny tent.

It really was cold last night, we ended up huddling like penguins in the dark of the triangular space. You were next to me. I could feel your breath on my face when you fell asleep, steady breaths in and out. I watched you for what felt like forever, till I myself fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of you. When I woke again, your arm was wrapped around my abdomen, keeping it warm and filling me with unrequited love, even more than I had before.

I'm in a weird state right now, and I don't know when it'll end. What I do know, however, is that I love you very much and though I'd hate for you to ever see this, I hope one day you do.

I wrote a little song called 'Sunsets and Stars'. Hope I can sing it to you; but till then, here are some lyrics. Sorry if they're shitty.

Sunsets and Stars

[Verse 1]

We're sitting by the glowing fire

Your smile is lifting me higher

Rapturous singing lights up our night

And stars gleam still in sight

Pain takes over my chest

Helping me to fail all my tests

You're not with me, you're with her

My intentions have become a blur


Our night sky is painted by colours

Colours that we never knew even existed

You're by my side and that's all that matters

One day I know, you'll be mine


I wanna spend all my remaining sunsets

With you

I wanna see all the stars in the world

From Paris to Kathmandu

I wanna sit in the mountains of France

Staying in a hotel for two

If only someone could grant my wish

If only it could come true


Penguin <(")

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter! A bit crappy I know, and the song was cringey but er, hope you enjoyed :) -currently updating on school computer bc I'm so cool-

vote + comment for virtual confetti <3

Kimmy xx

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