[Post #22] [Just Like Before]

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I've just realised 5SOS didn't have a tour bus like they did in America, when they were in the UK... but just imagine it's the Gus Bus because I cbb to change ^_^


"Calum doesn't know about it. Carry on posting as normal."

My ear is pressed against the door and my eyes widen a little as I take in what Michael has just said. What the heck? Of course I know about his blog. We've talked about it before, even. So what is he going on about? What mischief is he up to now?

Ashton notices that I've stopped playing and walks over with a confused look. "What's going on?" I shrug casually and go back to the area in front of the TV.

"Nothing, they're just talking."

"And you were eavesdropping because..."

"Honestly, there's no reason," I say with my face turned away, cheeks beginning to heat up. "C'mon, let's continue."

"There's something you're not telling me Cal. What is it?"

With a deep sigh I turn around with a weak expression, eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Luke writes a blog that is dedicated to me. He has for almost a year now. And you already know that I... like him... but ahhh I just have no idea what's going on."

He looks surprised with his eyebrows raised like that but at the same time, relaxed. "Well, the best advice I can give you right now, without any previous knowledge of his blog and whatnot, is that you need to talk to him otherwise you won't feel any better. You won't solve the problem by letting these thoughts eat away at you."

I smile feebly and say, with a little smirk, "Thanks dad." Without waiting for a response I press the 'o' button to continue our game.


For some idiotic reason we're playing hide and seek at the venue. I'm supposed to be hiding but really I'm walking around the corridors deep in thought.

I still can't believe Michael has known all this time and not told me. I had no idea, I really didn't. He was the last person I'd ever suspect would find my blog! I tug at my hair frustratingly and lean it back in anger. I don't know why I'm so mad at this. Perhaps it's just the feeling of someone finding out your secret; I don't feel so good about it now that someone else knows.

"Hey Luke, wait up!" Calum shouts from behind. I can feel his shoes running against the floor; I freeze on the spot and this leads to him bumping into me so hard that we both fall onto the ground. My eyes shut tight as we fall, my back hitting the floor and then his chest hitting mine. When they finally open, it's his eyes I see first; those dreamy brown eyes that sparkle in the light but are currently very dark. I have nothing to say, continuing to lie there limp as he rubs his leg where it was in contact with the floor. "Jesus, don't just stop out of nowhere..." he murmurs with his eyes closed.

"Sorry." I'm so awkward.

"It's okay... just wanted to hide with you." He slowly lifts himself up, picks up the jacket he dropped from the other side of me and stands, holding a hand towards me. "Shall we go?" I smile widely; it's like before. We're back to being the best friends we were before I started crushing on you.

Thank goodness.

[Post #22] [Just Like Before]

Friday 1/3/13 21:39

Dear C.H.,

What a great day! We just played in Cardiff, at the Motorpoint Arena. It was absolutely breathtaking; the crowd was great, catering was awesome and most importantly, hide and seek was by far the best bit of today.

We arrived at Cardiff at around two, and loitered for a bit before going into the venue. We found our dressing room where our five friends were waiting; we've gotten really close over the past week, and they suggested a game they played quite often on tour, hide and seek.

They made us disperse as it was their turn to seek first, so I walked around the venue trying to find somewhere to hide. You caught up with me whilst I was preoccupied in some thought process, and we decided to hide together. At the sound of other voices, we dashed into a dark room which must've been another dressing room, as there was a wardrobe that we climbed into (with difficulty). We're both such big that it got very hot very quickly.

We couldn't move though, because the seekers had made their way into the room.

You pressed yourself against me, wrapping your arms around my waist and whispering, "Shh, be quiet. Don't let them hear," whilst my heart was going crazily wild, beating audibly and almost painfully.

I mean, it lasted a good thirty seconds but it went by so quick. I didn't have time to fully appreciate that you were in such close proximity.

I'll see you tomorrow... and thank you for easing my tension. I've been so worried recently, anxious every second of the day, waking up at night with sweat on my head. It's just like it was before now; before I went and fell in love with you.


Penguin <(")

Hey people thanks for reading! It means a lot if you tap/click that vote button ;)

You've already gotten this story to 200 votes! Thank you so so much. I'm literally the happiest I've been this year so far (funny because there have only been a few weeks lol) I HOPE FOR MORE HAPPINESS THIS YEAR AND I HOPE THAT FOR YOU TOO!

This chapter's dedication goes toooooo.................. Alex_Saskarth for commenting recently! Hope you're enjoying this story so far :) And I hope that you'll join me to the end as well! Enjoy your stay with these virtual tickets to 5SOS' newly opened virtual theme park where you can ride 'Amnesia', the ride that brings you back to fetus days, 'Wrapped Around Your Finger', the ride where you are trapped in Michael's 'finger', 'Vapor', the 5D cinema where 5SOS' scents are pumped out of the screen whilst you watch HDWEUH, and because you're extra special you get to be there on their opening day and see the boys themselves, virtually! Thank you so much :)

Look forward to next week's chapter!

Kimmy xx

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