[Post #5] [Happy Birthday]

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Today's my birthday. It's been just over a month since I started the blog, and although I haven't posted very much, it seems to have attracted a little attention. I don't know how, I don't put any tags on them and leave them uncatergorised. Must just be that popular.

Mum pulls into the school car park, and I immediately spot Calum with Michael, leaning against the school railings with their snapbacks on. "Yo C-Dizzle!" I shout, hurrying out the car with my backpack. 

"Have a good day sweetie!" I hear mum shout behind me. Without turning around, I reach the guys and put my arms around them.

"Happy birthday Lucas!" Calum smiles, patting me on the back. "A real 16 year old now. You can do all sorts," he adds, winking. I thump his shoulder and shake my head with a grin. Michael also wishes me a happy birthday, before Aleisha comes bounding over.

She hugs me, and I feel a sense of security being in her arms for some reason. The whole blog thing has me on edge all day every day; the thought of someone finding out about it just freaks me out a little. "Happy birthday," she whispers, her breath scraping past the hairs on my neck. She plants a sweet kiss on my cheek and brings out a present from her bag. "Here! It's a day trip to a studio for us both! Let's go record something awesome!"

I'm both surprised and stoked that she's given me such a brilliant present; this is something I dream of doing more often with the band in the future. Going into studios, recording, coming back out a few months later with a collection of professional sounding songs...

"Thank you so much," I reply, hugging her again. Whilst her head is perched on my shoulder, I look over at Calum and Michael. They're stabbing each other with imaginary swords, some kind of communal suicide or something. I frown at them playfully and we all go into the classroom.


"Hey Luke, you doing anything after school?" Calum asks, just as we walk out the classroom. 

"Not really; we celebrated last night since it was a Sunday. Wanna come over?"

He nods and puts an arm around me. "Let's go make love!"

My head turned as quick as lightning to his face, extremely scared and worried that he knew something. But he just furrowed his eyebrows and smiled. 


"What do you mean, let's go make love?!" 

He chuckles. "I'm joking for god's sake. You know how you're 16 and all? I was just making fun of that. Jeez, get with it Lucas!" he says, running down the corridor without me. 

"Hey wait!" I call, rushing after him.

Was he really joking though?

[Post #5] [Happy Birthday]

Monday 16/7/12 22:03

Dear C.H,

Thank you for the best birthday present ever. You gave it to me just as you left the house. It was a CD he'd put together, with songs of all artists we'd ever listened to; All Time Low, Mayday Parade, Green Day, even a bit of Chris Brown... It's all I'm going to listen to, ever. 

That wasn't the only birthday present though. You don't usually gives hugs, yet you gave me one today. I feel like you know something, but of course I'm not going to mention anything. Our friendship is perfect as it is.

We all know I want more. I saw your eyes when I hugged A today, they were saddened eyes, perhaps even a little disappointed. I'm sorry, C, that I can't be better than this. At the same time, you're very confusing. You act as if you like me sometimes, then other times we're no more than classmates. 

My dick isn't that obedient, don't you know that?

Please keep that in mind before casually slipping an arm around my waist, or whispering something close to my ear. Or else my hormones might just take over my actions and do something I'll truly regret.

Anyway. It's been a lovely birthday, and it feels good to be 16. All of you who have been reading, thank you. I can't really talk to anyone at school about this, though on here I feel like I have a voice. I feel like someone around the world can understand me, even if they don't know me.

Until next time.

Penguin <(")

A/N: A pretty long update today :) Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave a vote, comment, or share with your friends :D I WILL BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!

Kimmy xxxxxxx (wowow mega x)

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