[Post #18] [Mistletoe]

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5SOS Christmas Special! It's gonna be extra long this time - Merry Christmas in advance :)


I can't believe that guy robbed me of a kiss. 

If you're going to kiss me, at least let me enjoy it too, instead of stealing all the pleasure for yourself. Honestly.

I won't lie, it felt very nice. He has awful lips but they just fitted with mine so well. He awkwardly hid after that and I didn't budge till Ashton came to say good night and tuck us in... he was such a good dad.

It's now 10pm on Christmas Eve, and all the presents are wrapped up under what we call our Christmas tree (which is in fact just a pathetic tree branch from outside with some tinsel and mini baubles hanging on for dear life). We all bought gifts for each other this year, to not only celebrate our first year as a band but also because we couldn't be bothered to do secret santa. Besides, when Michael was asked to pick a name out of the hat last year he didn't want to get a present for that person, so we scrapped secret santa and just bought each other gifts.

This year I bought Luke a personalised phone case with the band on it. It's really cute and I made it online; I'm actually amazed it arrived in time but there you go. For the other two, I bought chocolate and underwear, because we're always running out of underwear. Since we've arrived, there's been some sort of underwear elf who has been taking it all. We're all determined to hunt down this underwear elf but haven't been bothered to yet so I just bought more underwear.

I actually prepared a surprised gift for Luke too, that I'm planning to give at midnight tonight. Bet you can't guess.

Our Somewhere New EP is playing on the CD player downstairs, and we're playing games. It's really lovely to all be sat squished on a sofa, playing on the Xbox with snacks that will rot our brains and drinks that will stain our teeth. Some fans who found out our address gave us some chocolate the other day and we still haven't finished that yet, so we're subconsciously stuffing it down.

"Nooooo Luke no!" Michael whines. He's losing.

Ashton is sat behind us all, on his phone. He's following fans on Twitter tonight because it's almost Christmas and our UK fans are just as excited as we are for Christmas Day. Australian fans are already celebrating it, which is kinda crazy I think.

"I can't believe you beat me, you moron," Michael groans whilst dropping the controller and standing up. "You guys play. I'm going to bed... ASHTON C'MON WE'RE GOING..."

Luke and I laugh as he drags Ashton upstairs, and start a new game. I don't really want to play another game but he seems really into it so I give in. Half an hour later, we can hardly keep our eyes open. I can't keep going like this because I'm supposed to stay up til midnight so I can at least give Luke my surprise present.

"Let's go to bed Cal," Luke says whilst yawning widely. I agree and turn off the Xbox and TV, switching out the lights before heading up after him. 


By 11:50, I have so many pinch marks on my skin that I might as well just not have skin at all. I can see Luke's steady breathing because of the space between the wall and the door, and sneak downstairs to get the present. I hid it behind a chair at the dinner table earlier. It's made out of plastic but it'll do, it's just an excuse to kiss him really.

Silently but hungrily, I head back upstairs to our bedroom. He's still fast asleep, and definitely so because he hasn't moved an inch since I left. I check my phone to see that there are still two minutes. They go past veeeery slowly until finally the time changes from 23:59 to 00:00. Then I do it.

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