[Post #14] [Character Questions]

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Not your typical chapter. Let's get started with the interrogations! I've already tied them all up on chairs and blindfolded them, there are candles lit, here we go :)


Q: Hi Luke I have some questions for you today asked by your fans and myself.

A: Oh okay cool ask away

Q: What if Calum and Ashton get off

A: *looks away* what the frick. they won't... will they? omg what if they do i think i'd die

Q: You're cute... just stay that way, no questions to be asked...

A: okay... *smiles*

Q: Ily babe

A: another one with no question? such a successful Q&A lol but thank you *smiles* ur more of a babe though imo

Q: Do you want to have the secks with Calum

A: *blushes* how can u ask that omg... but yeah I do. Is that bad? Wait I take it back, no I don't want to, but that would be lying; I'm just digging a hole for myself soz i'll go.

Q: (mine) I'm your creator how do you feel about that

A: NO i am a free elf

Q: (mine) You're not really. I could kill you off right now, I have control...

A: fuck u. i'm just a 16 year old with a crush :(

Q: (mine) Ok ok I'm sorry, I'll go ask Calum questions now :)

A: C-Calum? He's getting this too? oh ok. um tell him I say hi or something.


Q: (mine) Hi Calum. Luke says hi :)

A: He does? Wow okay. Say hi back for me.

Q: Do you like Luke?

A: I don't really know. I'm sorry. I'm equally as confused as you are right now pretty much.

Q: Do you like like luke? When are you going to get your sh.t together and accept the fact that you're gay/bi? Are you gonna talk to ash about it?

A: Wow okay three questions um like I said, I don't really know... I don't know if I'm gay or bi but I think I might like Luke. I talked to Ashton about it a few days ago and he thinks I should just embrace it and see how I feel when I see him but so far I'm just reaaaally confused.

Q: Is it legal for you to be so hot? And what you doin with Luke

A: Well I haven't broken any laws or gone to jail but I guess you could say I'm hot ;) Joking. I'm seeing how things go. I don't know how I feel and I don't think I will for a while, but I know about his blog and I know he likes me, now it's just the case of seeing whether I like him back, you know?

Q: Fav breed of dog? (lol)

A: doge. *woof*

Q: (mine) Thanks Calum, you were great. I'm moving onto Michael now. See you later!

A: fine biatch. i'll go exercise or something


Q: (mine) Hey Michael. I have les questions for you. Are you ready?

A: yeah whatever, as long as I can get this blindfold off me omg

Q: When the frick are you going to tell Luke that you know about his blog?

A: *chuckles* not yet. I find it quite funny how he thinks no one knows about his blog when he blatantly does not check his comments. Did you know, I'm petewentzisbae? Lol it's so obvious he's such a douche

Q: Do you ship cake? Since when did you know about Luke's blog? Are you gonna play cupid?

A: hell no. jks i don't really care tbh but i wish Luke would just tell Calum already instead of putting it online and making me read his desires to be with him. it's kinda icky if ya know what i mean. I found out about his blog when i was scrolling on le tumblr. I saw this post and I just knew straight away, like I said he's so obvious about it it's hilarious. Cupid? nah i'll let them sort it out. i'll keep my 'permanent smug look' and watch from the sidelines. lol

Q: Teach me your ways of punk rockiness

A: come to my bed 2nite bbz i'll show u everythang

Q: Can I stroke your hair?

A: only if you say the magic word. otherwise no.

Q: (mine) okay thank you Michael!

A: anytime, oh holy creator


Q: (mine) Hi Ashton just gonna ask you a couple questions if that's okay?

A: am I gonna die? Please say I'm not gonna die. Please I have two younger siblings at home, I'm just a kid from West Sydney playing drums in this crappy band please don't hurt me :(

Q: What is your opinion on all this drama?

A: what drama? if you mean Calum liking Luke, well I fully support him because you know, least Luke can do is turn him down. Young love, it's never gonna work out but let them live in the moment.

Q: Do you ship cake? Since when did you know about Luke's blog? Are you gonna play cupid?  

A: What's cake? Is it some kind of cult? Luke has a blog? How come I don't know about it :( Play cupid for what I am so confused

Q: Can I pet your curls

A: Yeah sure go ahead :D

Q: What is your opinion on your dimplez?

A: I don't really have one. People say they're cute but really I don't like them, they're dips in my skin like why

Q: (mine) Okay thank you very much Ashton. You seem very confused.

A: Yeah I kinda am. What's cake, can you tell me? And what the heck why does Luke have a blog

Q: (mine) You'll find out soon :)

A: If you say so... :/

Okay wow that was so fun! Thanks guys for submitting your questions, hope you enjoyed :D Please don't forget to leave a vote, it really means a lot to me and I'll dedicate the next chapter to someone special :D feel free to share with friends ^_^

I also wanted to thank you all for 100 votes!! It's a super achievement for me, and I'm really happy!! You're all amazing and have beautiful souls for voting and commenting, taking time out of your lives to do that for me :) So today you can all have a virtual hug *hugs*

Kimmy xx

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