[Post #27] [I Like You]

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"WAKE UP Jesus Christ!"

Another few bangs follow and it genuinely sounds like someone is trying to break down our door. I force my eyes open and look around to see Luke still curled up in bed with the covers over his head, and now recognise the shouter as Michael.

"If you don't open up now I swear to GOD I am going to kick down this door!!"

With a tired groan I stand and walk to the door, grasping the handle and pushing it down. Michael's force causes him to topple on top of me so that both of us fall onto the floor, noses touching accidentally. 

"What's going on, guys?"


"Yeah but I'm having enough trouble as it is trying to get my feelings across to him!" I argue back. I hate to get angry but it was evident what Michael was trying to do just now. He was trying to kiss Calum because he thought I was asleep and I'm not having that. "You know how much I like him!"

"Seriously Luke, it wasn't like that. It was a fucking accident and if you can't see that they you're bloody blind."

"I'm not believing you, no matter what."

"Ask Calum yourself then, you moronic idiot!" He stands up and leaves the back room of the tour bus. He then murmurs something about helping the others bring the luggage down from the hotel, even though he knows we have none. I sigh, throwing my head back, and turn on the TV hoping that something interesting will be on. But of course, all that's showing is some antique show, and the news.


"Thanks Dublin! You've been an awesome crowd, thanks for listening to us and remember, we're 5 Seconds of Summer!" I hear Michael holler. I glare at him slightly but look away when he turns his head towards me. "Go like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel," he says before we leave the stage. Calum catches up with us and tugs at my sleeve gently.

"Hey Luke, when you're done can you come meet me outside the venue, by the back door?"


"Awesome. See you in a bit."

He dumps his bass on the stage without bothering to put it somewhere safe, so I do it for him just so the equipment movers don't trample on it. After putting my guitar down too and rubbing a towel across my sweating neck I wander towards the back door and just like he said, Calum's waiting outside.


"What's this all about?" I ask, brushing a bit of hair out of my face.

"Michael tells me you're mad at him for this morning." I sigh. "Don't be like that Luke."

"You don't get it, okay?"

Now it's his turn to sigh. "I do."

"How can you possibly understand?"

"Because I like you."

[Post #27] [I Like You]

Tuesday 12/3/13 21:17

Dear C.H.,

I can't believe what happened earlier, I'm still buzzing from it.

You said you liked me!! How is that possible? I thought... I thought it was only me who was in this 'relationship'. I thought it was entirely one-sided, but apparently not. I just... I don't know how to feel. Our conversation went something like:

Me: You're not serious, are you?

You: I wouldn't be saying this to you if I wasn't. I'm dead serious.

Me: ...But... but how?

You: I don't know. We've 'kissed' a few times but I always treated them as friendly kisses, if that exists. Eventually that feeling grew.

I then asked about this blog and whether you'd read it (though I was extremely apprehensive when asking) and you replied with 'no'. I'm actually really glad because I've said a whole lotta embarrassing things on here that you'd probably be better off not ever seeing. For that reason I may well delete this blog, if things turn out for me. Or at least make it private. If we make it big as a band I don't want fans dragging this up out of our past and using it against us.

Right now I'm sitting in the toilet and you're outside talking to M. A fell asleep already because apparently he didn't sleep very well at the hotel last night. Ironic, that - hotels are far comfier than our tour bus bunks, but who am I to judge that? I fall asleep everywhere.

I also can't believe that I didn't need to confess. I mean, I was going to do it sometime or other but for you to have said it first was a massive relief and in a way I'm thankful. I love you so much, especially your smile, and your personality; how you can cheer someone up with a short hug and a few affectionate words. You're amazing, C, and don't you ever forget it.

Because I know I won't.

I'll remember this moment forever, whether or not we end up together.


Penguin <(")

petewentzisbae: wait he said he didnt know bout this blog? ok...

Hey cake shippers! Thanks for reading! 

So Calum finally said it huh? And Luke ended up not needing to!

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter :) This story is almost over, and I'm going to focus on other stories afterwards so if you could, let me know which of my other stories you like and I'll write those.

Dedication this week goes to Lizzietirw for commenting and voting recently! Here is your virtual 5SOS shaped chocolate sprinkles that you can put on your CAKES! Get it? Cake? Cake fanfic? I'll stop. But yeah, thank you so much! It means a lot when you guys comment and vote and I'm extremely appreciative of it. We're actually almost at 2K reads which is CRAZY!

Next time: Michael says something maybe he shouldn't have...

Kimmy xx

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