[Post #8] [Well That Escalated Quickly]

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I click the 'x' at the top of the browser and shut down my laptop, having read Luke's most recent post. It's habit now; I check back everyday to see if he has posted. Tonight's post was him writing a song for me, which was really sweet, and left me waiting for him to sing it one day.

After the camping trip last night, I've been feeling a little strange. Something inside compelled me to put my arm around Luke's tummy during the night, when I woke up due to strong winds blowing on the tent sides. It felt really nice, unlike anything I'd felt before. 

The next day, Luke and I arrange to meet up and write some songs for a new EP we might get the chance to do. I go over to his, am greeted by an excited Molly, and suddenly feel a bit hot when Luke closes his bedroom door behind me. It's not like me to show this side. It's reading all of Luke's confessions and thoughts; there's a kind of guilt that's trapped in my brain that I'm not aware of most of the time. Obviously he has no clue that I know about his blog... I think he'd probably die if he found out.

He brings out two bottles of beer that he stole from downstairs earlier, to get us a bit more 'excited' and 'motivated'. Bullshit if you ask me, he's just looking for a reason to drink. Well. Can't blame him, if he's in love with me ;-)

"You're not really with it today Cal, are you?"


"I can tell. You're not inspired enough, our lyrics aren't connecting."


"What's wrong? You can tell me... if you want."

I look up at his lean frame which is leaning on a couple of pillows. We are sprawled on the bed with two notebooks and a few pencils between us, he's laying down and I'm sitting cross legged. "It's nothing. Where were we?"

"Well, you suggested this lyric, 'he sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home, I wish I was, I wish I was, beside you'."

"I said 'he'? Sorry, I meant 'she'."

He gives me a look, a confused, hopeful, yet melancholic look. "Oh... well we can change that. Sorry, I swear you said he."

A few moments silence passes, and I can feel my blood burning around my heart. He starts to bite his lip slightly. Fuck.

Perhaps it's the alcohol. Perhaps it's true desire.

But what I do next, well I know that I'll regret it.

[Post #8] [Well That Escalated Quickly]

Monday 13/8/12 23:49

Holy crap. I don't even have the time to say 'Dear C.H.' today because you just... you just... you fucking just...

I don't know what to say.

Or do.

I'm so confused.

Should I write another song about you?

No that's just creepy.

I could ring Michael and tell him...

No he'd laugh and tell everyone and mock Calum and me about it.

Oh what about Ashton!!

Oh wait he's just gotten over a breakup, he's not in the mood....

Okay well here goes.

Aaaarghhhhhh you bloody fucking kissed me!!!!!!!!

You... uhhhh I don't know what even happened, you just came on to me with your alcohol breath and pushed your lips onto mine so roughly and forcefully that I fell off the fucking bed then you just looked at me for one second with the most painful eyes and walked off without saying anything or taking the notebook you just grabbed your bag and left and slammed the door behind you and I could hear you jumping down the stairs then Molly barked because you must have looked angry and when I rushed over to the window to see what the fuck was wrong you had already gone you were out of sight and now I'm just so bloody confused and irritated and lethargic and uhhhhh I kinda wanna be sick!

Why did you kiss me? 

I can sense things might get  a little awkward.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy. I'm ecstatic. My blood is rushing around like mad right now, I feel like I have so much energy I could run a marathon. (well maybe not a marathon)

But at least warn me, won't you? I don't think my heart can handle much more after today...

Oh fuck C, I need to talk to you so bad and ask you so many questions but I'm such a fucking awkward penguin that I can't even text you right now... There's only one more week till school starts and who knows what'll happen in that time?

I guess all I can do it cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Please, don't let this friendship be over.


Penuin <(")

A/N: wow. i didn't think i'd be writing today but hey, i did! and to say the least, a lot happened...


next chapter: luke dumps Aleisha.... oooooh.... look forward to it :D 

DEDICATION TO........................IdfkanymoreFANDOMS because they voted on chapter 7 and voting makes me happy!! well done! Have some virtual choco sprinkles :D

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR READING! Vote and comment your favourite 5SOS lyric atm for ... wait for it... A WHOLE JAR OF VIRTUAL COOKIES! 

Thanks again :D

Kimmy xx

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