[Post #30] [You and Me] FINAL CHAPTER

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Hey guys! Last chapter. It's gonna be a long one so hold on!

-Five years later-


"Sure you don't wanna go?" I ask him one last time. 

"Yeah," he nods, locking his phone and looking up at me. "You go. Tell them I said hi, okay?" I smile back and kiss his cheek before getting my keys and heading out. I'm going back home for dad's birthday but Calum isn't feeling too well and Michael's popping by later to check on him.

I decide that I'll just have a pint with dad, then come back and look after Cal. After all, he's sick and needs his boyfriend - it's just a shame dad isn't so approving. Mum was fine with it, she was incredibly approving and even bought Calum a gift. As for Jack and Ben, well they didn't really care. 

As I pull into the driveway of my childhood house, I catch sight of Ashton who dad invited personally - those two are great buddies right now. "Hey buddy," he grins through my open window. "Calum not here?"

"Nah... he's still feeling a bit sick."

"That's not the only reason though, is it?"

Godammit. Literally, Ashton knows everything. "Well... yeah. You know why. Anyway, how's Bryana? You should really be at home looking after her, you know that right? How many months is she now?"

He manages a weak smile. "Five months... her sister came over though. She told me to just come out and have a good time."

I finish parking and we go in together, fully immersing ourselves in the 80s rock anthems playing in the background, and the friendly chatter amongst friends and relatives. Mum sees me and hurries over, giving me a massive hug. "Oooh Lucas, it's been so long since you last visited! And Ashton's here too! But... what about the other two?"

My weight shifts between both feet and I pout. "Michael's busy and Calum's a bit ill."

"Oh dear! Well you'd better bring some cake home for him, we've got plenty. The patisserie sent seven instead of five. You too Ashton, take some back for Bryana! Oh she must be exhausted these days, no?"

Whilst they talk about pregnancies and infants, I navigate my way through the the seamless crowd of people till I find Jack. "Hey Luke, sup?" I smile back and greet Celeste who's holding their baby son of three months. It's amazing how baby Nathan grows - his hands may still be absolutely tiny but they're getting bigger day by day. "Didn't you bring Calum?"

"Mum's already asked. He's ill and besides... you know how dad was last time I brought him over. I don't want to subject him to that."

He nods understandingly and passes me a beer. "Here. Shame that. Try to talk to dad about it, yeah? He can't be mad at you forever. Besides, if you show him that you truly do love Calum, then he can't do anything about it. He's your dad after all."

After my brief conversation with Jack and I head off again, now in search of dad. I find him leaning against the kitchen counter with a beer, chatting to old mates. "Hey Luke! Come on over!" He chuckles to his friends and they disperse, leaving me and dad alone. "How are you doing bud?"

"Good, good - same as always."

"Third album in sight or not yet?"

"Well, we're in the process of writing it but we're taking our time."

"I see... and how.. how is Calum? You didn't bring him?"

I shake my head. "He's ill. And well, I mean... you're not exactly the nicest to him."

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