[Post #21] [Advice]

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"Luke, pass the butter would you?" Michael yells from the table. "Oh and the yogurt too please," he adds with a grin.

I sigh. "The fridge is literally two metres away from you. In fact, I'm further away from the fridge than you are!" I holler back from my bunk. We've arrived in Glasgow and the bus is currently parked at the venue. There are a few fans outside and although they don't know us, we're waiting in the bus for a security member to come out.


I suck through my teeth and lower myself from the upper bunk, heading over to the fridge and getting out what he wants, walking over to the table to give it to him before returning to bed. It's kinda cold this morning and I'm in a tank and shorts; not exactly winter wear. Ashton and Calum are playing a game in the back room, so I join them.

"Hey Luke," Ashton greets, his back leaning against the cream leather sofas with a controller firmly held in his hands. "Wanna play?"

"What you playing?"

"Call of Duty."

"I'm okay. I'll watch."

Calum turns to look at me with a cute smile. "Are you sure? We've just started a new game so it won't be hard to start again." My eyes dart around, somewhat worriedly as I shift my weight from foot to foot.

"Yeah. On second thoughts... I might get changed. I'm kinda cold."

I don't look at Calum but I know he's disappointed. Don't ask how; I just do. After being friends for so long, I guess it just becomes second nature, noticing his feelings. Outside, Michael is still eating, now having a lively conversation with the driver. I bend down to the storage cupboards and pick out an outfit for the show, ending up with a long-sleeved denim shirt, the usual black jeans (but a clean pair) and my black Vans.

Michael ends his conversation with the bus driver and looks my way. "Hey Luke, can I tell you something?"

I pause and look back with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah...?"

He bites his lip and puts his buttered toast down with a deep sigh. "I kinda know about your blog."

My eyes widen and freeze, refusing to blink as I take in what he's just said. "W-what...?"

"You're an idiot, you know that right?" He stands up and pulls me in for a hug. "I've known about your blog for a long time now. If you didn't know already, I'm 'petewentzisbae' and I literally comment on every single post."

"That's who they were?! Oh my god I've been thinking for ages, if it was my mum or something!"

"Well.. you mum knows about it too. You're really oblivious."

"But how?!" I realise how loudly I'm speaking and tone it down. "How do you know?"

He sighs deeply, pulls out of the hug and sits back down. "A couple of our fans were on Tumblr and found your blog. They knew straight away because you make it so obvious; and they posted on Twitter for a bit. I just happened to click on one, and read it. You don't have notifications on and you never check when fans tweet you, which is why you've thought no one knew until now."

I'm completely speechless and my knees feel like giving way, forcing me to sit down before I crash on to the ground. "Wow. I feel kinda embarrassed now. I wrote so much on there..."

"Look - I never judged you from it. You're using the blog as a platform to share your thoughts, which is totally normal and tons of kids these days do it. But listen to me," he whispers close, "Calum doesn't know about it. Carry on posting as normal, and if you don't want me to read it then I won't. I was just surprised that you didn't know that guy was me, I made it as obvious as I could without naming names!"

Without another word, I hug him, almost relieved that someone knows already so I don't have to break it to them. "Thank you Michael. You can carry on reading, but please don't tell anyone else."

He smiles, small creases forming in his pale skin. "I won't; I promise."

[Post #21] [Advice]

Tuesday 26/2/13 20:30

Dear C.H.,

Okay so I found out today that one of my best friends knows about this blog. petewentzisbae, thank you for finally revealing your existence and completely stunning me. I guess I need to be more alert about these kinda things huh?

Well to be completely honest, I didn't expect this kind of response when I first started posting, obviously. I just wanted to write down my thoughts and hopefully figure out a solution to my problem on the way... and I'm almost there.

Good friend M told me some wise words today, whilst we waited in the venue.

"Don't be too abrupt, or possessive, or needy because he's really confused about his own feelings and you don't need to add anything to that. He's carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders from pressure to do well in this career, just as we all are, and although we're allowed to have fun, just be careful that you don't give him hell. I know you don't mean it but just give him some time."

If it's time you need, I'll give it to you.

I'll wait here patiently, forever, waiting for that day.


Penguin <(")

petewentzisbae: fiiiiiiinally u dork


We're in the 20s! Woop *claps*

I'm aiming for HOPEFULLY 35 chapters. I want to see how this goes but not drag it on for too long.

Sorry for the short blog section; I just really wanted the Michael and Luke stuff to get out the way so I can move on to other stuff! Hope you're enjoying this so far, let me know by giving me a vote/comment ;D

DEDICATION THIS WEEK GOES TO...... moaning_cake for your awesome comments! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the rest :) Here is your virtual 5SOS laptop sticker; it comes jewel-encrusted and in full HD colour! I'll throw in a virtual phone case too :) Thank you!

Thanks again, see you next chapter where they will be playing hide and seek... ;)

Kimmy xx

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