[Post #16] [Talks at Midnight]

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"You almost done in there?" I holler. He's obviously not, I can still hear the shower running at full pressure but I still need to ask. I want to hear his voice.

"No, stop asking you've asked like three times already!"

"That's because you're taking ages Luke, hurry up..."

I shake my head and go over to Michael who is sat on the sofa reading a comic. "Hey," he says nonchalantly. I sit myself down next to him and let out a deep sigh. "What's up."

"Nothing much."

"How are things with Luke?"


There he goes with that smug look again! He knows something. I'm sure of it. 

"How much do you know?" I ask with narrowed eyes.

"You mean about his blog?"

I open my eyes wide upon hearing blog. That's right, I haven't checked it in ages. Maybe he posted again. But how come Michael knows? "Yeah... How... do you know about it?"

"Meh, some fan linked me to it without knowing who it was and I read it and immediately knew it was Luke. I mean, who else could be so sappy and cringey about a crush?"

"I know right," I reply with a smile. 

"Wait how do you know about it?!" he asked suddenly with a completely new expression. I shrugged and looked up at the ceiling, even though it told me nothing.

"Same as you really. A fan found the blog and wondered if it was Luke's. Luke doesn't actually follow what his fans say, but they all know about it too. He's so oblivious."

"Isn't he though?"

"I'm done!" Luke shouts from the bathroom. I jump up immediately, grab my towel and dash to the bathroom where he's still stood, wiping his body. Oh shit... he's naked too. Not that I haven't seen him naked already, it's just now that I'm clear about these feelings and whatnot, it's a whole new feeling. 

"Jeez at least put some clothes on before calling me," I grumble, a hint of red tinting my cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah, you're the one who wanted me to hurry up."

I smile and push him out, almost forgetting to lock the door before stripping down. Luke's left a mess in the bathroom, there's water everywhere and the shower gel is running down the wall of the shower. He's so high maintenance, I do wonder how Liz puts up with him.

Ten minutes in the shower is all I need to get clean, and before I know it I'm outside on the sofa again with the other three watching Mean Girls. What is it with this band? Mean Girls, on a cold night in London. We're absolutely bonkers, no idea why we have so many fans.

[Post #16] [Talks at Midnight]

Wednesday 3/10/12 01:29

Dear C.H.,

You've fallen asleep now so I sneaked off to the toilet to write this. 

Hi. We just had an awesome talk, and it was so normal that wrapped in each others warmth, we could just enjoy being friends. It was cold and the heating wasn't really on, besides it was late and we'd been watching Mean Girls (my choice, obvs). 

We talked about a whole range of things; ordinary things like music and girls and where the band was going next. We were just laying there in bed, facing each other in the darkness, the only thing visible being the light reflecting off each other's eyes.

I know you don't like me, but it was super special to be in such close proximity to you, probably the only place I feel safe. Lots of urges came to me during our talk, especially kissing ones, but I managed to control myself despite your numerous crinkly smiles that kill anyone within ten miles.

Now, I'm really motivated. In my head, I see us kissing and doing normal relationship things like going out for coffee, or camping whilst watching the sunset, or singing duets. In reality, we all know that won't happen but that's okay. I can deal with it for now. I don't know about the future. No one does, really.

All I can do is enjoy being in the moment, spending time with you, because tomorrow might not come. I've realised all I've done on this blog so far is write out my thoughts and yearn for you, yet I've done nothing yet to act upon my feelings. With death ever approaching us, I think I need to do something soon. I mean, we could all die tomorrow, and you'll never know that I had this massive crush on you; unless of course we have the internet in the afterlife, in which case you could probably find this blog and read it and find out.

That's not the point though. The point is that life is a finite amount of time and we're all going to go one day, so I think it's time. 

Tomorrow... I think I'm gonna do it. 

I'm going to muster up all the courage left in me and tell you how I feel... 

If it's not tomorrow, then I promise it'll be soon. I can't drag this on any longer. I need to tell you, I need you to know, I need to stop feeling so secretive. You need to know. If it remains a one-sided relationship then that's fine because at least you'll be aware. If it's reciprocated...

I'm not even going to consider that.

I'll just hope that you listen to me with seriousness and accept my feelings for what they are.

That's all.

Good night, C.


Penguin <(")

petewentzisbae: finally lol.but u relly are too cringey plz stop, confess and delete this blog so the future u won't be embarrased.

A/N: HAY people :)

Sorry for this kind of crappy chapter. I really wanted to update but it wasn't coming to me, beside it's too early in the day to be writing fanfic haha (it's like 8am, do not ask why i'm awake this early in the holidays.)

This chapter's dedication goes to... ImxAxPanda for all your lovely votes!! Thank you so much, hope you are enjoying this ;D Your reward is a virtual box of truffles in the shape of 5SOS's faces. Enjoy eating up their smexy faces! For the rest of you, I hope virtual hugs will do :)

Thank you again and don't forget to leave a vote/comment for me to check out ^_^

Kimmy xx

p.s wasn't the jbh video so sad :( i... i have no words. calum's passionate face and luke's tired face got me >_< well done to them though, absolutely amazing song and wonderfully made video :)

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