The Portal (Rules and Form)

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Hey this is JediAura filling in for the Zone Cops on teaching you about inter dimensional travel.

You'll need to follow the rules if you want the multiverse to stay intact during your travels.

Failure to follow them will result in your termination and will be forced to see your favorite character die several times.

If you follow them with respect, maybe me and the No Zone authorities might even let you live in that other dimension.

(Though we'll have to sort out the papers and how the population will not freak out about the existence of other universes.)



1) No hating the deity that created the person.

(AKA don't hate the roleplayer who made the OC)

You don't want Chuck Norris after you because you hate America, because America is his favorite character.

2) Please be patient with me and the others, it's not easy keeping track of several universes at once.

3) No interrupting someone on their time in another dimension.

(AKA don't interrupt someone's rp chain)

4) Cover swear words up with symbols or limit how much you say.

Sonic's creator is probably watching you and hoping you don't fill his world with the amount of filth a garbage can has.

5) Sexual things will either be protected by your filter shield (your pm) or you will limit the vocabulary used during scenes involving it.

6) Don't do sexual things with your alternate self. Don't think for one second that sex with your other self won't result in the universe collapsing.

And for heaven's sake, don't have a baby with your gender bent self either, because that'll cause so many paradoxes that I'm tired thinking of it.

7) Password 1 is your favorite element + H2O

Password 2 is your favorite character or the favorite of your OCs

Password 3 is your favorite rule + your favorite color

8) You can make a schedule with me so we know when to meet up again.

9) Only kill if the villain character is an absolute threat.

If it's just your run of the mill evil or an occasional ancient evil that pops every once and a while, then help the heroes arrest or defeat them.

10) If you love someone or like to play matchmaker to two characters you like, let me know in advance so you don't mess it up.

11) Those of you who stay depressed while in travel will be ignored and maybe even removed so no one else catches depression.

12) If you are from Twilight Mobius NEVER take off your protection band while in another universe.

Those from Twilight Mobius can't survive the sunlight of other worlds and need something keep their molecules stabilized and not be vaporized or blow up.

13) If you are from the Boom Universe, you cannot stay in the other dimension for more than 12 hours.

This is because that universe has a rule where two of the same person cannot exist if that person is from that universe.

14) Don't be OP.

You're officially considered too powerful if you somehow manage to claim sole victory for every fight or constantly end it before it starts.

Learn from your mistakes and failures, because that's how true heroes win.

15) Emotionally perfect or just better in general characters can't survive the portal without being torn apart.

(AKA don't be a Gary Sue or Mary Sue. Everyone has a flaw.)

16) If you have a child with someone from an alternate universe, make sure they don't be OP or emotionally perfect either.

17) If during your travel you actually like the universe and want to live there, text the following in brackets so we can update your OC's residence status.

[New Home]

And finally...

18) When filling the form, there will be a spot that asks for your "AU Number".

If I haven't put the page and number out for your dimension, ask me what it is so you can know.

If you are from the main universe, put "Prime" in the spot.

Thank you choosing this inter dimensional adventure.



Fill this so the No Zone authorities and Father Time know who you are and if they can allow you in the portal.





Looks: (describe them or tag me to it)


Sexuality: (just in case you feel like having a different crush)

Powers: (optional)

Abilities/Skills: (optional)

Weapons: (optional)



Boosts: (does anything make you stronger?) [optional]

Weaknesses: (physical or emotional) [optional]

Special Forms: (can you transform?) [optional]


Family: (optional)

Enemies: (optional)

Rivals: (optional)



AU Number:

Password 1: (in rules)

Password 2: (in rules)

Password 3: (in rules)


That's all!

Have fun on your travels!

And come back to your world whenever you want.

Step inside once you're ready.

Enjoy your trip!

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