Fighter AU

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Universe 0044

This is a universe where the characters are set up more similar to a fighting game like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct and Tekken, with the heroes and villains alike all competing in a massive tournament to determine who wins the glory and a reward.

The Evolution Tournament is held once a year in the summer and is usually organized by Egg Enterprises, a corrupt corporation run by Dr Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik.

People compete for the title of Champion of Mobius, as well as having one request granted by Eggman's company through any means of money and resources.

(Though if your request is for Eggman's company to shut down and Eggman to hand himself over, you're a little too naive.)

While the main events of the tournament are usually held in a massive stadium, there are several locations to fight in like Holoska, Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Angel Island and even in a volcano that are all designed to increase viewership and ratings. (As well as attract donors so Egg Enterprises can set about the goal of world domination.)

Here's the current roster of fighters for the tournament:

Sonic: here to win this so he get to Eggman and take down his company

Miles "Tails" Prower: Sonic's sidekick helping him beat Eggman

Knuckles: here to get the Master Emerald back after Eggman stole it....again

Amy Rose: here to use the request in order to find a valuable artifact connected with her family

Shadow: here to take down Eggman and bring him in alive.......or dead

Rouge: infiltrated the tournament to spy on Eggman (as well as use the request to get possession of the Master Emerald)

Blaze: here to reclaim the Sol Emeralds Eggman stole from her dimension

Tangle: was just here on an adventure or to challenge herself

Whisper: here with her brand new version of the Diamond Cutters (herself, Tangle and Lanolin) to take down Egg Enterprises and capture Mimic as justice for her old squad, as well as to stop Eggman's attempt at world domination

Lanolin: here with Whisper and Tangle to take down Eggman

Espio: entered the tournament to defeat Eggman and possibly even get money out of this

Vector: entered to take down Eggman and get a money reward

Honey: here to promote her clothing brand in the competition

Fang, Bean and Bark: All of them are hired by Eggman to win in the tournament so none of the heroes can get close to stop him

Dr Starline: here to defeat Eggman and take over his company

Surge: here to beat Sonic and get whatever she wants

Kit: here because he's Surge's sidekick and is tasked with protecting her

Sally Acorn: was dragged here from another dimension and has to fight her way home

Julie-Su: Same as Sally

Bunnie Rabbot: Same as Sally

Mina Mongoose: Same as Sally

Monkey Khan: Same as Sally

Lien-Da: Dragged here to this universe too, but plans to use Eggman Enterprises to make tons of echidnas with cybernetics to control both this world and her home dimension

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