Time Twister AU

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Universe 0075

Neighboring Blaze's Evil AU is an AU for Silver being Evil.

In this universe, Silver grows tired and weary of the future always being a brand new type of apocalypse that he has to live in before he attempts to change it for a "better world".

Upon learning that time has "canon events" and "nexus points" that mean certain events are inevitable and impossible to prevent or avoid...

...Silver decides to do the one thing that most of reality tries to prevent him from doing: actually find a way to control all of time events to bring a better outcome.

To do this, Silver attempts several Chaos Control jumps until he finally finds himself outside of time itself and flings himself to the realm that Father Time watches over all ages from.

Knowing he wouldn't be able to convince or bargain with Father Time, Silver murders him and takes his time staff, gaining access to every single microscopic second in all his universe.

Silver then went to different points in time and altered the course of history.

-stopped the echidnas from attacking the Chao in front of Chaos

-prevented Maria's death

-stopped Robotnik/Eggman from pursuing his robotics career and instead become a professor/instructor at a university

You'd think with all these changes that he'd finally succeed at bringing world peace and a happy future.


By averting the Knuckles' Clan being nearly genocided, the echidna people advance on to still conquer other lands and take from other people, setting them up to be a rival superpower against the United Federation and possibly bringing the world to the edge of World War M.

By saving Maria, she goes on to find out her grandfather was executed years later and plots to get revenge against the people that did this, searching for Shadow so she can sick him on those people.

And by influencing Robotnik to not pursue his dream, the Chaos Emeralds remain in the places they're hidden since Sonic wasn't motivated to get all of them, meaning Sonic won't be able to stop things like Iblis or Black Doom when they eventually arrive.

Silver did more time travel yet again to see if he could avert this chaotic doomsday scenario.

-rescues Gerald from execution

-murders the echidna chieftain to assure they don't have a power hungry leader for the next few generations

-goes to the source of Solaris being at his weakest to blow the deity out

-blows up the Black Comet while it's still in space to make sure the invasion never happens

You'd think after all that, it would FINALLY be over and Silver could return to a better future.


By averting all of that, the world is eventually set to be destroyed by The End...

...and Silver is nowhere near strong enough to destroy it at any point in time itself.

Sure Silver having the time staff meant he had control of when in time he went, could freeze stuff and change the age of an item or being at will, but The End was practically a force of nature or an immortal being that can last forever like the gods. No amount of time altering or use of his psychokinesis and Chaos energy would be enough to match the power Sonic's Super Form 2 or even Super Sonic Cyber in order to best The End.

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