Ancients AU

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Universe 0053

This universe is an alternate timeline where the Ancients didn't die out due to The End following them to Mobius or change into Chao.

In this setting, they eventually encountered the Echidna race and helped them to adapt, pretty much assimilating the tribes as part of their people.

They find out that Mobians in general seem to have the traits needed to be able to handle the energy from their creations: the Chaos Emeralds

When they started getting affected by Master Emerald's radiation, the best minds found a way to prevent the change by creating special gemstones to put on the Ancients that cancel out the effects.

(Though some of them choose to embrace change and turn into Chao anyways.)

The Ancients still create the giant Titan robots as a protection against The End, which only barely repels the The End enough with help from the Master Emerald that it will be gone for several millennia.

One of the elders of the past told of a prophecy, that one day a "Chosen One" who can use the power of Chaos energy to its full potential will be born many generations later and should be trained to prepare for the fight ahead.....which the Chosen One will destroy the The End for good.

It's many generations later that Chaos is born, pretty much the first of the Chao to mutate into a form similar to their Ancients ancestors.

Since Chaos also obtained immortality from being affected by the energy and genes, the Ancients assign him with an important role if he's still alive by then: Train the Chosen One to eliminate The End.

Knuckles doesn't have the responsibility of being the Guardian of the Master Emerald in this universe, though his gifts of incredible strength and ability to use energy leave some to speculate Knuckles is the Chosen One, though Chaos has been silent on him. The powerful echidna warrior travels the world to try and get stronger so he can one day help protect his people from The End.

While Shadow was born in this universe from Black Doom's DNA like in canon, Gerald got assistance from Chaos and the Ancients to help purify Shadow of any corruption in his alien heritage and made it to where Black Doom can't control him, with Chaos mentoring Shadow on all Chaos energy powers and helping him develop into a better and more selfless Ultimate Lifeform. Shadow currently lives on Angel Island with a middle aged Maria, who didn't get shot in this timeline.

Amy and Tails had also become possible candidates for the prophecy, but still no response from Chaos

For now, the Ancients are still around in the present as a source of wisdom, guidance and mediation to humanity and Mobians, the alien race having completely adopted Mobius as their home and embraced the two native races here with open arms.


Traveler Scenario

You arrive through a portal and find yourself next to this universe's Master Emerald, though you're not alone.

You're surrounded by creatures that look like Chaos, but appear to be made out of energy than water and are taller than him.

Speaking of Chaos, he was right there in front of you too, seemingly looking at you up and down in curiosity...taking interest in you.

Perhaps you can talk to this version of Chaos to see if he can help you?


Home Scenarios

1) Your OC is the Chosen One

You were going about your business, but then you saw a local gang had taken over a small town and was pretty doing whatever they wanted from taking stuff from stores or demanding a restaurant serve them for free.

Taking matters into your own hands, you decide to take on the troublemakers.

Though little did you know...a being made of water is watching you from a distance.

(Scenario starts with however you approach the gang)

2) Sonic is the Chosen One

[You play as Sonic in this one]

Dr Ivo Robotnik is launching an invasion of South Island, already beginning capturing Mobians, humans and even some Chao to use in his forces.

Chaos was about to show himself and fight the doctor....only to be surprised by a blue blur rushing into the area

The immortal being could see that it was a hedgehog that was born with super speed, taking out Badniks and freeing the animals inside them like it was nothing.

'Could this hedgehog be the Chosen One?' Chaos thinks to himself as he watches the hedgehog defeat Robotnik, who had brought out a mech to try to stop him.

After seeing Robotnik flee Green Hill, Chaos decides to come out from hiding to meet him.

How will this fast Hedgehog react?

3) Aura [my OC] is the Chosen One

You play as Chaos in this scenario and decide what he sees Aura doing, determining he may be the Chosen One

Enjoy whatever cool scenario you give my OC to do.


Let's see how people react to this universe

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