Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss AU

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Universe 0042

This universe would be considered the same as most of the normal ones, only difference being that these two show's version of Hell exists here.

Sonic and friends aren't different from their main counterparts in any shape or form, unless we want to assume Amy's tarot cards are really messages from one of the circles.

Though my OCs have different backgrounds here in this universe.

A young bear cub Bopper winded up in the other side by accident when he was handed a gem the owner thought wasn't cursed at all

The young bear cub was found by Millie's parents and raised him alongside Millie, the two considering each other siblings and Bopper supports her relationship with Moxxie.....like two thumbs up level.

Eventually Bopper got to go back to his real family as a teen and bonded with them too, despite not having his entire childhood with them, though he does call Millie every once and a while to see how his adopted sister is doing.

Fury is the hybrid son of a Mobian wolf and a hellhound, which explains his anger issues.

He's encountered Loona a few times and kind of had a crush on her, though he hasn't asked her out since she seems to like Vortex.

Hip is Stolas' son in this universe and Octavia's younger brother, his body color as a Goetic being white like his mother Stella, though the orange hawk form was his disguise.

He didn't exactly share it with Sonic and friends out of worry they would fear him.

And Aura's mother Lyra used to be an archangel, but descended down to from Heaven in secret to have a child with Orion, which cost Lyra her wings and kept her out of Heaven.

As a result of being half angel, Aura is Charlie's cousin, Lucifer's nephew and God's grandson.

I'm sure Mobius and the two afterlives interacting with each other won't result in something bad.....would it?


Traveler Scenario

You wind up landing on a seemingly normal version of Mobius as you meet Sonic and explain to him where you came from.

Tails offers to build a machine to help you get back, so in the meantime, you chill out with the others and even offer to help fight Eggman.

Though things change once you meet one of my OCs.

You decide which one you meet here.





Though once you know about the existence of Hell in this universe, it's a pandora box waiting to burst open.


Home Scenarios

1) You, Sonic and friends have been getting reports of a blonde female having bought up a building somewhere and was trying to help people with issues out. The gang decides to ask Aura if he's met this girl or not since he recently got a house in the neighborhood near the hotel.

2) Aura decides to call you over to share a secret with you since you gained his trust as a friend. He wants you to meet his cousin, which it sounds strange that he has to keep her a secret. What makes it so bad?

3) Fury has been wanting to ask Loona out since he's a hellhound too, though he's nervous of rejection or outright being hardcore friend zoned. Will you help him out?

4) Fury offers to help you out after you meet and develop a crush on any of these girls.



-Cherri Bomb



(If it's a guy, just mention their name with the scenario)

5) You were hanging out with Bopper when he got a call on the phone, which he apologized to you that he had to answer his sister....only to face palm upon realizing he just spilled a secret in front of you. Wait...Bopper has a sister? Bopper reluctantly offers to show you what he means on Saturday if you can keep it a secret. It can't be that weird...right?

6) Hip had temporarily went away for a while, leaving you and the gang confused. He came back later to you guys asking him where he went, only for him to tell you that his father was going through a divorce and he spent time helping him through it since he liked his father more than his mother. All of you curious, you ask Hip if you can meet his family since none of you have seen them before.

7) You died and went to Heaven, meeting angels there like Gabriel as you soon were chosen to be a Guardian Angel, one meant to fight in a holy war against demons and evil.

Soon one of the archangels approached you with two missions of your choosing if you can take them....with Michael himself offering his approval for either one you pick.

A-Be Cream's guardian angel

B-Check out the Happy Hotel in Hell to see if Charlie's cause is legitimate and worth protecting

Which task are you up to?

8) Somehow by accident when you were messing with a spell book or got kidnapped by a cult...

...you now have one of the characters from either show inhabiting your body.

Your choice as to what character is inside you, even imps counting in this.


Let's see how this one goes

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