Artificial AU

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Universe 0023

This is a universe where robots were the first life forms instead of organic life.

Lightning basically struck a tree covered in ore, creating a sentient AI called Mother AI that's pretty much their "Tree of Life".

New artificial life is born when two AI of robots marry and put samples of each other's data together, creating a new mind as Mother AI creates a body for that new AI.

Humans and Mobians are basically creations robots made in an attempt to create another sentient life, but more capable of feeling emotions than they do.

Like robots in other universes, organics can preform limited tasks and lack sentience.

Some organics are even just plain idiotic and aren't capable of interacting.

While robots are interested in the potential of creating sentient life, their species is split into factions that believe different views.

Paradise Faction: Believes Humans, Mobians and Robots should all coexist peacefully as equals and individuals, even willing to learn from each other and build a better world. Metal Sonic of this world occasionally sides with them.

Protectorate Faction: Believes organic life is a threat of it continues to adapt and must be wiped out before they turn on them. A fraction of the faction believes they should just be kept from gaining sentience and intelligence, affectively making them pets. Their side is led by Android Shadow with Infinite and Zavok as his secondary leaders, though Metal Robotnik used to be another leader in the faction before authorities locked him up.

Unitarian Faction: Believes organic life and artificial life should fuse with each other's counterpart and become one being, with artificial life getting to have emotions at the same time as organics having all knowledge. Some debate on what that form would look like. Aura (my OC) used to be their leader, but he left his faction under unknown circumstances, leaving them without a proper command.

This divide has led to a war between the three factions, with organics caught in the middle of it and being captured by any side.

There are also those who are neutral and simply wish to see what happens with the developments.

I wonder how the main race will react if a sentient lifeform like you exists?


Traveler Scenario

You arrive in a portal to see yourself in one of those utopia and futuristic like worlds with tall buildings, flying cars, holographic screens and moving sidewalks.

Before you can spend time and take the place see a group of robots based on Mobians and humans approach you, with what looks like Android Shadow leading them.

"Seize the fleshbag!" He orders his group before they run at you to try capturing you.

"Not so fast!" Another voice calls out before a blue blur hits them away, revealing to be Metal Sonic, but without the scary black eyes.

Metal Sonic leads over a group of other robots to attack Android Shadow's group, providing enough chaos for you to run away.

Another group of robots try to spring a trap to contain you, but you avoided it in time and made another robot get stuck in it.

Before you knew it, all three groups were chasing you and fighting each other.

A flying car pulls over with a non-scary version of Mecha Sally and Tails Doll.

"Come with us if you want to avoid any of them grabbing you!" Mecha Sally tells you.

Do you trust them?


Robot POV (Home)

1) You're part of the neutral science division that's looking into studying organic life. Your group particularly made you responsible for watching over your organic self. One day, members of the Protectorate Faction break into your lab and are attempting to kill your organic counterpart. What do you do?

2) You're part of the Paradise Faction. Your leader has assigned you to protect a lab that contains an organic based off of you.

3) You're part of the Protectorate Faction and Shadow has assigned you to find the lab containing your organic self to go eliminate them.

4) You're part of the Unitarian Faction. Since Aura has disappeared from his leadership position, you're on an objective to find him and bring him back so he can lead the team to victory, and maybe succeed in achieving physical unity with your organic self.


Organic POV (Home)

You're a Mobian or human that's lived most of their life in a small chamber, being given different tasks to do.

You don't really have complete sentience yet, but you are capable of seeing emotions and acting on them, just not smart enough like the robots outside.

You've grown close to your robot self, the artificial life somehow starting to close the gap in communication between each other and is trying to teach you how to speak.

One day, a group of Protectorate Faction robots break into the lab and are trying to kill organics.

They're trying to break into your containment to get to you...

...but your robot self fights them off and tries to keep you alive, getting really broken in the process.

Your robot self is close to death. What will you do?



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