Light Robotnik AU

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Universe 0015

This universe is based on a "What if" I did in my "Sonic What if" book.

In this universe, Robotnik beat Sonic at Green Hill early, taking over most of the world with no opposition.

For a temporary bit he had also captured Tails and controlled him as a lab assistant.

But after bonding with Tails and seeing the damage he had done, Robotnik felt regret and stopped his final invasion.

To makeup for his actions, he works as neutral scientist and refuses to side with any government, and he isn't allowed to take credit for any invention that he makes for the public to use.

Tails forgave Robotnik a little and let himself be adopted by him, his full name now Miles Robotnik.

Amy and Rouge help Robotnik out some with his lab and his world activities.

Shadow has gone rogue after Robotnik and team stopped him from enacting Gerald's revenge plot.

While the real Sonic isn't confirmed dead or alive since the body is missing, Robotnik "revived" him as a clone that saw how he had changed and excepted it, going by the full name Bio Sonic in case he runs into his real counterpart someday.

What happened to everyone else is your guess.


Traveler Scenario

You wind up in Ivo Robotnik's lab after Ivo and Miles was testing inter dimensional travel.

What's your reaction?


Home Scenarios

1) You've become injured and were close to dying, but Robotnik was brought to your hospital and used a new invention that fixed you like brand new. He let you stay in a bedroom in his facility so you get used to your improvements before you can get leave.

2) You encounter Shadow destroying strange monsters that have popped up in the area. What do you do?

3) You wake up after you thought you died from a raid on your home, only to find a blue hedgehog with you in a dark room, though something feels off about him. You hear a dark chuckle echo in the room.


You can make up a scenario here too!

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