Zombot AU

152 3 34

Universe 0020

This is a universe where a Zombot apocalypse breaks out and ruins most of the world.

(While I'm not a big fan of zombie media, at least Sonic's version of it isn't gory.)

Unlike the logic of the IDW universe, the Zombots in this universe have different psychics involved, meaning you will have to approach this world differently than IDW did.

1) A Zombot can be cured through a special antidote instead of having to rely on the Chaos Emeralds and Super form to reverse it, unfortunately, the ingredients for it are hard to get. The Zombot must be someone who didn't die before becoming one. This may mean some people won't be saved.

2) While Zombots can survive physical attacks easily, well placed shots in certain parts of the body can ultimately kill one. Also throwing Zombots can help delay them too.

3) You can be infected by either having the Metal Virus poured on you, being bitten by a Zombot or getting zapped by one. If a Zombot kills you and you reanimate as one, you can't be cured.


Traveler Scenario

You arrive from dimensional travel to find that every city and town you come across in this dimension is abandoned.

You spot someone walking or limping slowly in the distance and you go to investigate...

...only to see a cold and emotionless look on the person's face, as well as see their body is made of a fleshy like metal.

The person is trudging towards you, attempting to get you. What will you do?


Outbreak Scenario (Home)

One day, you see on the news something about a large ship or station Dr Eggman owns is dumping a gray liquid all over a neighboring town.

You shrug it off and assume Eggman is just flooding a town and that Sonic will be coming to save them.

Unfortunately, a radio broadcast confirms the worse as reports come in that people everywhere are getting infected with a virus and evacuations are being done so less people become whatever this virus does to them.

You have 1 hour before the outbreak reaches your neighborhood. What do you do?


Post Apocalypse Scenario (Home)

You managed to survive the outbreak and now you have been living in a new makeshift home you could afford to build without catching the attention of the Zombots.

A few years down the road, you winded up hosting some unlikely guests for now since you didn't want them to suffer the same fate as others. (Or because you wanted to show you aren't a piece of scum like Eggman.)

Your resources are limited, so you will eventually need to go find more to last through the winter, and maybe even find the rare cure to bring back someone or get a kit made to improve living conditions.

For now, you must venture out with your guest to explore and find things you need.

Choose one of these to be the guest:








-Cream (she's in her teenage years now)

-Dr Eggman

-Dr Starline

-The Babylon Rogues

-The Deadly Six








After picking your partner, what will you do?


The House of the Dead Scenario (Home)

Based on the popular arcade game made by Sonic's parent company Sega.


You = Thomas Rogan

Your best friend = Agent G

Your crush = Sophie

Dr Eggman = Dr Curien

Metal Sonic = The Magician

You received a distress call from your crush about "everyone's getting killed" coming from the Robotnik Mansion.

You and your best friend ride over there quickly, armed with weapons and ready to get your crush and other people trapped in the mansion out.

Can you do it?


Enjoy.... I guess.

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