Evil OC AU 4

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Universe 0050

This is the universe where Hip became evil and a villain that took over the world.

It all started on a day Hip not only stopped Starline's plans to use three more cyborgs, but also managed to capture him and hand him over to the authorities.

Though while all of the other heroes chose to move on and focus on Eggman and not really care about Starline, Hip decided he should try to help Starline reform and turn away from following Eggman's example, deciding to visit him at least once a week.

While it looked like at first that progress was impossible, Starline started opening up more on the first visit to prison, both him and Hip finding they both had so much in common with each other if the roles of hero and villain were removed from both of them, especially both sharing their knowledge of science.

Starline even helped Hip out by giving a cure his father needed for an illness, to which Hip was extremely grateful to him.

Eventually Shadow caught onto Hip hanging around Starline and had gotten security to bar Hip from visiting Starline, trying to prevent the bird from being manipulated by the mad doctor, when all it really accomplished was making Hip hate Shadow and start to drive Starline more crazy from not having Hip with him.

Unfortunately, things got worse as tragedy struck Station Square sometime later...

Eggman had launched an attack that resulted in Bopper dying via a building falling on top of him when he was stopping it from crushing Hip, the bear knocking the hawk away in time before it all came crashing down on Hip's best friend....ending him.

Hip almost murdered Eggman in revenge for Bopper, but Sonic and Aura managed to get him to calm down and stop, though Hip was still traumatized by the death.

Starline had eventually managed to get Mimic to sneak a makeshift communication device to Hip so the two could at least talk to each other, at least allowing them to bond more.

Sadly, tragedy wouldn't leave Hip alone when another Eggman attack on the city happened a few weeks later.

Tails was originally supposed to be fending off attacks in the general area that Hip's neighborhood was in, but Sonic had called him over for extra aid (despite already having Amy and Knuckles helping him)......which this action resulted in some stray missiles Eggman had fired blowing up the neighborhood....taking Hip's father with it.

This action by Sonic, as well as his neglect to come sooner to save Bopper, were both the last straw for Hip, resulting in him quitting being an ally of Sonic.

Hip was later found dead the next day, having fallen off a bridge in what appeared to be an accident.

A few weeks later, Surge and Kit were causing havoc alongside three new cyborgs...coincidentally the same ones Starline never got to finish.

Things got even stranger once the heroes started reporting sightings of Starline with these cyborgs, despite having the real platypus in custody, which led the group to believe Starline had made a clone of himself to do his work in the event he was captured or dead.

Just as all of the heroes were too distracted on the wild goose chase, a warp portal was opened in Starline's cell and Starline escaped through it.....teaming up with his imposter self: Hip!

What had happened was that Hip had faked his death so everyone would not suspect him being involved and had laid low for a bit at Starline's abandoned hideout until everyone had forgotten him.

He then finished working on the cyborgs Starline didn't complete, learning from the platypus' mistake on Surge and Kit by giving the three new cyborgs a mental program that would make them immediately forget what they were looking for if they tried discovering their pasts.

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