Sol Empire AU

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Universe 0074

This is my version of what "Evil Blaze the Cat" AU is.

In this version of Mobius, Blaze's kingdom is part of it, though she doesn't have Sol Emeralds in this existence as both those and Chaos Emeralds are replaced with a brand new set called Creation Emeralds.

Blaze's mostly lonely life after her parents died has led her mental and emotional state to be more darker or closed off from people the more she grew up, which combined with her deadly pyrokinesis powers made her a world-destroying powder keg waiting to go off.

The first few years after when Blaze was coronated to Queen of the Sol Empire were the best with her improving the infrastructure of the land, putting funding into getting inventors and scientists into her domain so they could make tech that improved her people's lives and made it easier for the poor and middle classes to get into schools or receive private tutoring, and the biggest cherry on top being that she brought in new territories into the Sol Empire that had resources her people needed to improve living conditions.

She was truly seen as the best monarch in the kingdom's history, and possibly the best ruler of all Mobius' history too......until an age of tyranny arrived under her rule...

For some reason, Blaze just immediately went from a strong and disciplined a brutal, cruel and destructive Empress in the span of a few months to a year in the aftermath of her golden years.

No one knows how or why the Queen changed like this...

Tense relations between rival nations?

Not really. Blaze was able to work around whatever obstacles they put in her way during her golden years, so it's not like they put her in a corner and she lashed out.

Someone close to her died or was assassinated?

Unsure about that since if Blaze did have a secret friend or a secret crush, her maids and butler would've been able to pick up cues or signs from her. Then again she knew how to hide her emotions, so maybe she was good at hiding a relationship.

Did her fire powers corrupt her?

While that is a good belief some have, no one can confirm it since the High Priest of Sol mysteriously disappeared after a visit to the Queen, so he isn't around to tell people if she's possessed by something or if her powers have driven her to destroy anyone in her way.

All that is known is that when she met with several leaders of rival nations for a summit to discuss matters, she said something to the leaders...

...before burning almost all of them to death.

Among the dead leaders was the Echidna Empire's head and Knuckles' father Chief Pachacamac, the Acorn Kingdom's King Maximilian (Sally's father), and Sonic's mom Queen Aleena.

The United Federation's President narrowly made it out alive, but was so badly damaged that he was handicapped and on life support, being one of the only people left to tell what happened in the meeting.

In response to this mass regicide, majority of the world declared war on the Sol Empire as Queen Blaze was seen as too dangerous and too unhinged to be left alive, with the Anti-Sol Alliance being led by the Acorn family and the Knuckles Clan.

(The conflict even forced the Dark Legion to end their conflict with the Guardians under a truce and treaty, reuniting all echidnas under one people again, as well as convince their enemy people the dingos to ally with them too)

Unfortunately....Blaze's empire was no pushover when it came to fighting and destroying as she quickly gathered both current and reserve troops and repelled a mass invasion into her land, with Blaze herself leading the charge and burning any troops, vehicles and artillery in her path.

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