Monster AU

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Universe 0012

This universe is the one from my book called "The Nightmares of Mobius".

In this, most of the characters are the classic monsters we all know of in this universe.

Sonic's Werehog persona has been part of him since birth in this universe.

Amy and Sally are were-creatures too and are a pack with Sonic. (Don't bother guessing who's the Alpha female.)

Tails is a literal kitsune, he just managed to hide most of his tails in his normal form.

Shadow is the king of vampires and probably the highest threat of the monsters.

Cream and Vanilla are vampires too, though they seem to be more independent from Shadow.

Rouge is a witch and the only reason she's normal at daytime is because she makes a potion to suppress her more wild and magical side.

Blaze is a mummy with a shadow form underneath the wrappings, somehow able to use fire with burning herself to ash.

Silver is a zombie from an apocalypse in the future, here to prevent a catastrophe from happening.

Knuckles is a monster hunter alongside Fury (one of my OCs), having to punch his way through the undead.

Eggman's takeover the world scheme is really just a front to distract the public from the fact that he's building the perfect army to crush all monsters.

I originally put a vote on Aura's fate with the world of monsters, with the winner being he sides with Blaze.

So in the canon timeline of this universe, Aura is a mummy and lives with Blaze.

But this universe has alternate timelines, so you never know what you'll run into.


Traveler Scenario: Make it up

Home Scenarios: You were trying to get home safely at night, but then you run into (choose monster) when you tried to take a shortcut.

(You can make up a scenario too)

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