Medieval Fantasy AU

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Universe 0071

One thing should be made clear of this universe: It's NOT Sonic and the Black Knight.

Black Knight story is set inside a book world of Arthurian Legend rather than another universe, so it won't be appearing in the multiverse if that's what you were hoping this page is.

(Plus it's kind of a hassle if I have to match everyone up with Arthurian Legends characters for accuracy)

Instead, this is Mobius as a fantasy realm like in Lord of the Rings, Dark Souls or Narnia.

We set the stage with a few realms here.

Kingdom of Acorn: a land ruled by a long line of monarchs that are powered by the Source of All, the magic left over from the power that created the universe.

Sol Empire: A land ruled by a different monarchy that protects the Sol Emerald, which is the part of the creation magic left over that created fire and light.

(Yes there's only one Sol Emerald here)

Echidna Empire: A land of the echidna tribes united as one nation under the Knuckles Clan' rule, the Master Emerald under their domain as their guardian is a master of the magic granted in this world.

New Gaia: one of the last surviving human kingdoms left in the world after a massive war against the Acorn and Echidna factions, under the rule of the monarchy tree of the Thorn family ever since that war.

The Metal Badlands: a barren landscape in a desert drained of resources and is an early graveyard for technology advancement, a place that a man named Julien Kintobor was banished to for betraying both sides of the last major war in a bid to rule the world himself.

The Umbra Underworld: a land that is in complete darkness, with dark clouds and eternal thunderstorm covering the sky upon sailing the waters near this land, the landscape inhospitable towards those that venture there. The evil and heartless embodiment of darkness, Mephiles, was sealed in the heart of this land to prevent his return and to keep him from plunging the world into another Age of Darkness.

The main setting for the story takes place a decade later after the war between Mobians and humans that nearly wiped humanity out, but tensions between different nations (as well as the smaller nations) have only increased since despite years of peace.

The Kingdom of Acorn accuses New Gaia and Echidna Empire of trying to expand into their lands, as well as accusing New Gaia of working with Kintobor since some of their technology has advanced lately into adding things like rifles and cannons. (Weapons were supposed to be banned by the treaty)

The Echidna Empire has been split on whether to invade both Acorn and Sol to make echidnas the dominant Mobian species or to just keep peace with the nations, with the nation currently under the rule of a peaceful queen that displaced the Knuckles Clan rule to prevent their people from being in conflict.

The Sol Empire is getting paranoid of potentially being invaded by Acorn, New Gaia and Echidna all at once since everyone would want access to the rare Sol Emerald, with only Princess Blaze inspiring the people to keep calm and trust her.

And New Gaia, still resenting Mobians for wiping humanity down to a single kingdom, are hungry for any excuse to exact a revenge war against Acorn and Echidna so they can take the world back from the Mobian species, with only the Thorn family putting their foot down to say no.

Meanwhile the warlord Kintobor is secretly building an army of metal automatons so he can make his grand return and rule all with an iron fist.

But what they all don't know is that they are being the voice of Mephiles whispering in everyone's minds, causing divisions among the world.....leaving no one the wiser of his eventual return and to set the stage for him to crush those that remain after war.

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