Secret History AU

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Universe 0043

This is the universe that Secret History Tails, the psychotic and obsessive version of Tails, comes from.

(If you're younger than 16 or 18, I recommend you DON'T watch the videos involving him....or any videos by Mashed on YouTube for that matter.)

In this universe, Tails was just assigned to a Sonic that was reluctant to have him by Sega (which is apparently a human being for some reason), with Sonic unaware of the supposedly "harmless" Fox's true side

Soon Knuckles and then later Shadow both died under mysterious circumstances that were framed as accidental by investigations....though friends like Amy had their suspicions.

Amy left behind her hammer to see if she can catch whoever is responsible in the act....Sonic and Amy soon discovering the obvious culprit: Tails

When confronted on why he killed those that were getting close to Sonic, Tails' motivation was that he saw only himself as the one to love Sonic and be so close to him....after all, Sega says they're "best friends"

While Amy begged Tails that he needed to get some help, Sonic denounced him as his friend, causing Tails to snap and come to the conclusion that he wasn't the real Sonic, disappearing after he failed to murder Sonic and Amy.

Now with no trace of Tails anywhere, the group tries to move on, even with brand new characters.....but it just isn't the same anymore.

Depending on what part of the timeline you arrive here in, you're either arriving here to nothing happening at all since this Tails is gone.....or you'll arrive at the time he's eliminating ANYONE who tries to become a close friend to Sonic.

Be wary of what you do with your devices while you're here... just might be the last thing you do.


Traveler Scenario

Pre-Exposure Scenario) You arrive in a world that's similar to your own world with its own Sonic, Amy and others, so you decide to hang around for a bit and enjoy the place......though you feel something is off with Tails on how he looks at you and his appearance.

Tragically, Knuckles and Shadow both die under mysterious circumstances involving their devices malfunctioning, which is strange because Knuckles never usually has a cellphone and Shadow's hover shoes always worked perfectly fine.

You decide to meet with Amy and talk about these strange deaths.

Post-Exposure Scenario) You arrive sometime after Tails was exposed as the one responsible for the deaths of Shadow and Knuckles. Perhaps you could fill in the void to be Sonic's closest friend?


Home Scenario

It's basically similar to Traveler, but you already lived here to begin with. Pre-Exposure or Post-Exposure?


If you want, you can also request to do a spin-off scenario of one of the other Secret History episodes like the ones for Mario and Cuphead.

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