Evil OC AU 3

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Universe 0045

This is the universe Fury went evil.

What happened was that his little sister Windy died in an incident Shadow was responsible for, making Fury want revenge on him

G.U.N eventually started hunting Fury as he was taking down criminals like in his prime counterpart was, only difference here in being hunted is that Shadow actually wins his first encounter with Fury.

Fury and Shadow got into an extremely brutal fight across the street....eventually resulting in Shadow leaving Fury to die to his injuries.....or did he die?

A dark alien had been spying on the fight and took Fury away once he was unconscious.

Apparently the Black Arms race and their leader Black Doom had narrowly survived Shadow defeating them and had been hiding underground in what's left of Westopolis' original sewer system, trying to nurse their wounds and get by with what they have.

Black Doom offered Fury the chance to survive and get revenge on Shadow at the cost of Fury himself becoming a member of the Black Arms via Black Doom's DNA added to him.......which Fury gladly took the offer despite knowing he wouldn't be himself anymore.

Fury was reborn as Nyx, the new Ultimate Lifeform for the Black Arms race.

Also being devoted to helping his new family, Nyx soon suggested an idea to Black Doom: making more Black Arms/Mobian hybrids to go breed Mobian females, continuously building their numbers until they would have a huge population ready to invade Mobius

Black Doom agreed to the idea and they kidnapped several male Mobians to merge with some of the aliens they still had.

These new fusion hybrids would go to the surface and go through a cycle of breeding females and raising the new child with them until the time was right for the male hybrid to lure the female to the hive and have them become a Black Arms alien the same way Fury was.

Nyx was responsible for protecting the hybrids and the new families to make sure no one discovered the plan and to get the families safe into the hive.

The plan worked so well on growing the Black Arms population that they had to dig more tunnels and chambers underground just to make room for everyone, the population already big enough to fill 3 cities with.

Unfortunately, Shadow was still alerted to the existence of Black Arms aliens still being alive when a fusion hybrid almost got caught by him....only for Nyx to come to the aid of it and narrowly survive Shadow himself before fleeing.

Realizing that Fury, even when turned into a super powerful Black Arms named Nyx, wasn't enough to beat Shadow, Black Doom decided Nyx needed a "promotion".

Nyx and Black Doom merged together to become Black Nyx, making the new being the first hybrid leader of the Black Arms.

He picked up where both of his counterparts left off and went about finishing getting the population to huge numbers, finally having an army 3x bigger than what Black Doom arrived on Mobius with.

Unfortunately the good momentum didn't last long as Eclipse, Nyx's half brother, was murdered by Shadow, enraging Black Nyx and increasing his desire for revenge.

He started to put his invasion plan in motion by having the hybrids infiltrate various governments and G.U.N to get in positions of power, having the President assassinated so the hybrid vice president could run the United Federation and having Commander Towers murdered so the hybrid working there could become the next G.U.N Commander.

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