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Weeks passed since that night and I still couldn't believe it. Right after I had sex with my husband he calls me another woman's name. What kind of bullshit is this? After I confronted him about it, which was right after he said it, he just blew me off. Chris just got up and left the room and didn't even bother to explain himself. Now he's avoiding me, he's not even sleeping in the same bed. That's not his decision though, it's because I told him to. I couldn't sleep in the same bed knowing my husband could possibly be cheating on me.

I heard a phone go off. I knew it couldn't be mine because I have it right here playing a game and the TV isn't on. It went off again. I got up and went to the guest room across the hall where Chris has been sleeping. I saw his phone laying across the bed. He must've forgotten it. I was just about to leave when it made that tempting call. That call for me to snoop through it. I know I shouldn't do it but I feel the need to. Maybe it's that girl Stephanie.

I quickly glided over to where the phone lay and looked at the screen. Messages after messages popped up and all of them were from 'Steph' and 'Bridgette'. "So it's not just one." I picked up the phone and tried to open the messages. The phone was locked. The password is a four digit figure. This is probably the easiest thing ever. I always watched Chris enter his password when he thought I wasn't looking. "5263," and the phone unlocked. I wished it didn't. The first thing that opened up was Stephanie's messages. She was telling him good morning and how yesterday was fun. She asked if he enjoyed Bridgette and her. Seriously? A threesome? I scrolled up a little more and I saw a picture of a very familiar body part and I knew it was Chris's. Then I saw a picture of a dark skinned girl and the blonde from the park, both of which were completely naked.

"Son of a bitch."

I opened Bridgette's messages and saw that she was the other girl from the picture.


I put the phone back where I met it after I made sure I put the messages back as unread. I would never leave these things on read. I'm not an idiot.

I went back into my room and awaited the time for him to get home.


"Mya," I heard Chris calling me. "Mya, wake up!"

"What do you want?"

There was a moment of silence besides our breathing. "I want a divorce." I turned around slowly rubbing my eyes until my vision settled but it was still fuzzy. As a matter of fact, everything was slightly blurry and surreal. I saw Chris sitting at the edge of the bed with some casual clothes on. "What?" I sat up against the head board. I saw several bags of luggage scattered on the floor. "I want a divorce."

"Why?" And at that moment it hit me. "I'm the one that's supposed to be asking for the divorce. You cheated on me. You hit me. You did everything to my life that made it so horrible and lonely." He sighed quietly. "You're the asshole in this, not me. So let's start this over, I want a divorce, Chris, and I want it now." I felt my eyes begin to sting as the tears set in. I couldn't believe he was asking for the divorce.

"Listen, I know I did some bad things that's why I want to be free. I don't want to come home to guilt. I cheated, yes. So that's why I'm leaving you. I want to fuck other women without having the eeriest feeling that you know about what I'm doing."

I shook my head. Is he serious? "You're a fucking asshole, you know that?"

"Anyway I want you out of the house by tomorrow. I already started packing your stuff."

"Yup, you do know... plus more. Where the hell am I supposed to go? Surely not my house because you sold that, can't be my father's cottage because you broke that down and built a mall the size of Texas and it definitely can't be an apartment because I'm sure you're not going to loan your wife some money." He just shrugged and went by the sliding doors leading to the balcony.

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