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t w e n t y.

I felt quite restless at home today. Yeah, Colton was and always will be the highlight of my day but all he did was sleep and when he wasn't sleeping he would be eating. Right now we were on the bed, he was on his back and trying to get his toes in his mouth before sucking on them. He began kicking them around and slapping the air with his small hands. He murmured some strange words. "What are you saying to mommy?" He replied. "What are you trying to tell me?" He let out a small scream before I realized he was actually laughing. I grinned wildly because this was his first laugh. "It's so sad daddy can't see this. Do you wanna go show daddy that you can laugh?" Colton threw his hands above his head and smiled causing me to smile also. I took him into his room after I changed into a black floral print dress and a pair of flats. I was not going to hurt myself and wear heels today.

I dressed him in a cute gray onesie with a stitched on black waistcoat and a matching bow tie for the zipper. Just leave it to Chris to buy a mini business suit for a baby. I put on his black booties and his black crocheted hat. I packed the baby bag and went down stairs to the extra room. "Riley?" I knocked on the door three times. She opened the door, her hair was wet and a towel was wrapped around her. "Hey."

"Yeah, I'm going to visit Chris at work. I wanna show him Colton's laugh," I bounced him in my arms briefly and he smiled at me showing all but a full set of teeth, it was more like two little stubs that hurt more than his usual gumming on my face. "Oh, he laughed? And Chris missed it? Wait, I missed it..." She pouted a bit telling Colton to laugh for her but he only looked at her like he was wondering what she was doing.

"Anyway, do you want anything while I'm out?" She shook her head so I said good bye before leaving the house.

I walked into the building with Colt in his car seat stroller. Very convenient by the way. "Mya!" Michael exclaimed as the elevator pinged open. I grinned wildly at him as he covered his mouth and stared at the little baby in the stroller. "Is this the little guy that's been on everyone's tongue lately?" He made his way around the desk, drawing a small group of people with him.

I took Colton out his stroller, "Colton, this is Michael. When you get older you're gonna call him Uncle Mike." Michael snagged him away from me and baby talked with him.

"Hey, baby Colton. I'm your godfather and I'm gonna spoil the living shit out of you." The workers around him gaped at Colton in awe at his adorableness. "He looks nothing like Christopher. That's a blessing." We all laughed before they dispersed back into their offices and cubicles to resume the work that they had been doing. I waved to Michael who went back to answer the phone and made my to Chris's office, stopping by the varnished mahogany desk first.

"Hi," I said trying to get his attention. He had his head in some files before he peeked at me. "Hey," he whispered cheerfully, "what brings you here?" I took Colt out the stroller again and he looked around before his eyes landed on Jacob. Colton smiled immediately and started laughing again when he saw Jacob grinning like a wild fox. "Hey baby Colton! Do you know who I am?" Let's just face it, we all know Jacob is the father what's the sense in stringing it along until some predictable paternity test comes in a couple months.

"He's your daddy, Colt." I whispered in his ear and he laughed again. "This is his third time laughing," I looked to Jacob who was staring at me in shock, his eyes were wide but soon relaxed when, I guess, the words made sense to him. He took his little hand and said, "Mommy is right, I made your little dark skinned ass," I lightly giggled. "I was there when you were born, I cut your cord, I named you. You're my baby boy, and I know you'll forget that but try not to, please." The small interaction was cute but we had to move before people started to come around again.

I left the stroller by door but took the baby bag with me just in case anything happens. "Chris?" I called. I turned around and saw a woman composing herself briefly. Chris turned around in his swivel office chair with a smile. I smiled back at him and the woman who scurried off out of the office. I made my to the seat in front of the desk. "Hey, honey," he sniffled slightly, "You brought my little businessman too?"

"You must be really fucking retarded if you think I didn't know what was going on. For Christ's sake, Christopher you hired the bitch too?" I said referring to the blonde that was actually named Stephanie. "Come on, I thought we were past this. You apologized for doing it!" He put his head down into his palms before running a hand through his disheveled hair. "You're not even going to explain yourself? You're an ass-"

"Don't fucking act like you haven't done the same thing to me, Mya! You cheated on me with my own employee!" I got up and put Colt in his stroller. I went over to Chris rubbing my temples. It was time to admit it.

I straightened my posture and looked him dead in the eye. "Yes, I cheated but that was once. I broke it off the next day and went to my mother's house where I was bashed for no reason, irrelevant I know but it just means I'd rather that than cheat on you again. I have made a lot of mistakes Chris, but sleeping with Jacob was not one of them." He looked like he was hurt by what I said at first but he quickly changed his expression and went to pick up the baby.

Colton's bottom lip quivered uncontrollably before he started crying. He never cried when Chris held him so I'm guessing that the anger emanating from him set off Colton in a bad way.

Chris looked at him for a second before giving him to me in my hands. "If I find out Colton's not mine, I'll kill him." He said referring to Jacob. I looked at him with my mouth slightly agape. He couldn't be serious right? He wouldn't hurt Jacob... I huffed, who am I kidding? If he hit his wife what makes me think he wouldn't kill the man she slept with?

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