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t w e n t y f i v e.

"Why the hell am I in here? I didn't do shit to anyone!" Chris slammed his fists against the steel table. His hands were still cuffed as he did so. Unlike every other time where Chris was calm and collected, this time he threw tantrums just like Jen and threw the chair at the glass but it didn't receive a scratch. The interrogation room door opened and closed quickly as officer Henry Ford stepped inside with a thin file. He sat down on the chair faced away from the window and opened the file. "Hello, Christopher. Nice to see you again." The officer said, looking straight at Chris who was fuming.

Hours passed since Chris sat in that room. He was as stubborn as a fox but his lies caught up to him. "What? No! I didn't hit her!"

"But Chris, you just said you did. You said she was getting on your nerves so you gave her a quick slap to put her in her place. Isn't that what you said or do you want to see the video?" I didn't even know this was being recorded but it makes sense.

I felt someone's presence come next to me so I looked over. "It's gonna be okay, Mrs. Johnson. We're gonna put that monster away for good." The woman said as she folded her arms and glared at Chris through the glass. "Why couldn't I be as strong as you?" I asked her causing her to look at me baffled. "I always felt weak when I was with him and then I see you guys. You seem so strong even after what you guys have been through."

"Mrs. Johnson, we get our strength from people like you. Look at you, you're standing here facing this man as if he didn't do you anything worth crying about. I look at you and I can see that fire. You just want to hurt him so bad just like what he did to you. You just need to find that flame." She smiled but I didn't believe a word she said.

She said she can see, by the look on my face, that I want to hurt Chris for what he did to me but you shouldn't judge a book by its cover because I don't like seeing him like this. I want him home laughing and playing around with Colton then falling asleep with Colton doing the same on his chest. I want to laugh at him changing our baby's diaper and cringing from the smell. That is how I see my husband, not having a mental breakdown in front of an officer half the size of him.

The next thing I knew was that Officer Ford was handcuffing Chris and leading him out the door. I hurriedly speeded though the door, bumping into Chris in the process. "Chris.." I whispered. I wanted to touch him, to hug him and tell him I'm sorry and that we should just forget that all of this happened, when someone came barging through the hallway. "Mya!" I turned to the source of the commotion only for my face to be crushed into their chest.

I gave a tight smile to Jacob but gently pushed him off and looked back at Chris. I opened my mouth to say something but Chris spoke first. "You're going to regret this," he began. "I want you out the house by tomorrow." Tears rimmed my eyes I thought whether I should apologize to him, hug him, beg for forgiveness, or if I should just leave.

Jacob tugged on my hand, pulling me with him out the door. I ripped my hand out of his steel grip, scowling at him then walking back to Chris. "I'm sorry..." I placed my hand on his cheek. I felt him lean into my palm as if he was savoring my warmth, "But you shouldn't have done those things to me." I smacked his cheek hard enough to make his face turn to the side a bit but it wasn't too hard.

I walked back to Jacob, feeling a little lighter on my feet but I could tell I still had some weight on my shoulders that I needed to release. I just needed to find out what they were. I felt him place his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged him off. It's like he wasn't even realizing how much I'm hurting inside. I just gave my husband to the police. He's probably going to jail. I'm shaking in my ballet flats because I just received a threat from someone normal partners are supposed to trust.

I took Colton from Riley and placed him back in his stroller. I waved good bye to the spiked haired man who seemed to had just gotten through with whatever he was here for. "I regret sitting by the prostitute. She was a man actually who had just killed her boyfriend. She was psychotic. She was turning himself in to the police! This world is 'bloody' mad!" She quoted Jen. If I wasn't feeling like how I was at the moment, I would've at least smiled at what she said. We got into Jacob's car and made way to the house to get our things.

"You don't need any of this!" Jacob said. He sounded frustrated.

"And why not?" I huffed at him, folding my arms across my chest. He ran his hands through his hair and explained to me again. "Because I already bought every important thing for him since whenever." I rose my eyebrow at him suspiciously but refrained from packing Colton's everything. I just put all of his clothes in the bag.


Don't misunderstand. I love the LGBT community. I'm not throwing any 'shade', it's just a character.

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