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I made my way up to the guest room after I had an awkward dinner with my mother and her pet. I hated him. He thought that, since he was with my mother, he had some sort of superiority over me. I opened the door and immediately threw myself on the bed after removing my clothes and replacing them with a short night gown my mother loaned me. I grimaced when I realized it didn't go pass much of my behind.

I pulled the covers over me and went to sleep.

I heard a door creak and a few light footsteps drew closer to me. Something smacked me against my ass and jumped up and out of bed quickly. "Colin? What the fuck?"

"Watch your mouth when you're talking to me." He said after he slapped my behind once more.

"Surely, you wouldn't want mother finding out about this so stop."

He smirked, "finding out that I'm disciplining my step daughter?" He held me by my chin and kissed me roughly. I pushed him away and stood up. "You're not my father!" I made my way to my mother's room quickly. "Mother!"

"What?" She questioned, obviously annoyed that I woke her up from her beauty sleep.

"Tell you're little thing not to touch me inappropriately again."

She groaned loudly removing her sleeping mask from her eyes and glaring at me. "Would you stop lying on every man that comes your way?" My mouth dropped. Why did I even bother? I should've known my mother would pick a man over her own flesh and blood. I folded my arms after I slammed her bedroom door closed. I heard a deep chuckle behind me so I turned around. "I thought you knew by now mama would never believe you."

"You need to go to a therapist for your mother problems but I'm pretty sure your mother abandoned you for a reason." He frowned deeply.

"A guest is downstairs waiting on you," he mumbled, pushing me down the stairs and into the living room. At the base of the steps, I was taken aback causing me to trip over last step and falling on my behind.

"Chris?!" I practically screamed. He looked with wide eyes and leapt away from the table filled with his pictures. Chris made his way over to me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Oh God! I'm so glad your mother called me yesterday. I thought I lost you." Mother... "Don't ever run away from me again." It sounded more like a demand than a request. "Did anyone hurt you?" I nodded nervously. "Who?" He gritted.

"Colin." Chris let me go for a brief moment and glared at Colin with flared nostrils. He pushed me behind him before bringing his fist towards Colin's face. "Stay the fuck away from her." He pulled me into his chest and dragged me out of my mother's house leaving the man on the floor clutching unto his bloody nose for dear life. I pulled down my gown, feeling very uncomfortable being in such a child friendly neighborhood. Chris opened the door of his car and I got in before he got into his side of the car and driving off.

He pulled into the driveway of our two-story home, "Come on." I stepped out of the vehicle, feeling an eery breeze blow under my skirt. I walked slowly towards the front door. A hand found its way unto my ass and pulled me closer to its owner. "Your apology has been accepted."

"My apology?" I questioned while he unlocked the door.

"Surely, you couldn't possibly wear this just for your own comfort in your mother's house so it must be for me." Mother... He ushered me inside and locked the door behind him. I took the time to look around the house. Nothing had changed besides the torn furniture, the damaged pictures and broken pieces of glass everywhere. "I turned into a mess when I saw that you were gone, Mya... My love... My wife." He took me up the stairs and passed our bedroom. "I have a welcoming gift for you." He opened the door to the third guest room. He pulled me into the room and I stumbled over to the bed. He walked over and pushed me unto the red satin sheets before tying a rope around my wrists. I was going to protest but what's the use?

"I spent hours perfecting this stupid knot so this time," he smirked, "no escaping."

His knees were on the opposite sides of my thighs. He ripped off his loose grey shirt and track pants. He opened the clip that held together the flimsy night gown that was now considered lingerie. Chris placed both his hands on my breasts, leaning down and inhaled between them. "You smell so good." He squeezed my nipples causing me to bite down on my bottom lip with my eyelids screwed shut. "Did you miss me, baby?" Excruciatingly slow, he made his way down to my underwear.

Without a second thought, he ripped them off my body.

"Yes, baby. You're mine." He pulled off his boxers revealing his erection. Where's Jacob when you need him?

"Do you like feeling my big cock in you, Mya?"

I eagerly hummed in response but he slapped me lightly. "Yes."

"Fuck, yes," he came hard inside of me. "You've been a good girl lately," he said rolling unto his side, "you can come downstairs when I tell you, okay?"


Seven weeks passed since I left Jacob's house and everyday since then I was used by my husband as punishment. No, he didn't record anything but it was all just getting to be too much. I went back on birth control the day after I came home but I have this feeling like something's off.

I turned over and looked at the digital clock on side of the bed. It was just 6:04am and Chris was already horny. He was like a little rabbit. I sat up slowly, my hands were still bound together but not attached to the head board.

I felt a burning sensation surge its way from the pit of my stomach and into my throat. Small chunks of unknown food particles, were hurled unto the floor, some of it splattered on my feet. I heaved a few more times while Chris placed his hand on my back, comforting me. The room wreaked of something sour causing my nose to burn. "I'll go get the mop," he said getting off the bed. The only reason he wasn't bitching about anything was because he was the one forcing the pills down my throat every morning.

Chris came back with the mop and handed it to me. I put on one of his shirts then began cleaning. I went to the bathroom when I was finished and took a thorough shower.

I stepped out of the bathroom and saw a box on the sink. It was a pregnancy test. He's starting to scare me. I open up the box after reading the instructions and pulled out the stick I was supposed to urinate on.

I came back into the bathroom after taking a short nap and took the pregnancy test in hand carefully.




For getting me to 200 reads, I'll post two more chapters. Lots of love to you guys :)

Thank you!!!!

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