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t h i r t y e i g h t

Chris was getting out today. I was so happy when he told me that he finally got the judge to let him out, I wanted to go pick him up but he said he had some paperwork to do at his lawyer's office so Mr. Kent picked him up, saying he'll drop him home when they're done.

I planned on making a fantastic 'Welcome Home/ Merry Christmas' dinner. I've already sat and thought of the perfect things to make, all complimented by his favorite dessert, rum cake. He fell in love with it after a business trip he had in the Caribbean during Christmas. It was hard for me at the time because it was the first holiday for us as an official married couple. It was a time like now, when he showed that he truly loved me.

I really couldn't see my life get any better than this. I had a loving husband and an adorable little boy, if anything were to feel off balanced then I'd probably have another child but I don't think I could handle being pregnant right now. I would need everything to calm down before I even consider it. And who says Chris would want another baby anyway?

I shook the thought from my mind. "It doesn't matter." What matters now is that I prepare for Chris.

I was almost finished with cooking, when the phone rang. I ran over to the the telephone on the wall and answered, "hello?" The line was quiet besides the soft breathing that could barely be heard. "Hell-" then the line went dead. The scene was almost like those horror movies that I usually watch. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever," I went over to the oven, inserted my hands through the oven mitts before taking the cake from the oven. I could just smell the alcohol but then again I did put a lot. It was my first time actually making the cake and we usually drink more in one glass than they had in the recipes online. I don't know, maybe we're just weird.

I heard the door close and I smiled to myself. I turned around with the cake in my hands, immediately dropping it with a scream. "Dear God! Colin, what the hell?" I ran a hand through my curly hair as I looked down at my cake flat on the ground. Frustrated, I pushed him in his chest roughly ignoring the fumed look he had on his damn face. "Look at what you made me do!" I sighed, "why are you even here? Shouldn't you be with mother or something?" I took the mitts from my hands and put them on the counter. Max came into the room quickly and began to eat up the pieces of cake that went all over the place.

"Max, no! Shoo, go away, you shouldn't be eating that," I shooed him out the room and began to clean up when he came back again and started barking at Colin. He already passed him twice so why now? I was putting the pan on the counter when Colin pushed me back against the wall causing me to drop the it again. "What the hell?!"

"You're the damn reason Linda's leaving!" He screamed at me but I just looked at him in confusion. She was leaving? "She's going back to Germany, said she needed to think things over! All because you gave birth to the stupid baby." He laughed, "did you know she actually disappeared for a whole three months after that? Again, said she needed to get things together. You've been a little pain in the ass!"

I tried pushing him off but he didn't budge. I looked to left to see the flower vase not too far from me. I returned my gaze to him quickly to not raise suspicion. "Look, I didn't know she did all of that. Just let me go then you can go and talk to her and figure things out. I'm sure she'll listen because she loves yo-"

"She doesn't love me!" He exclaimed in my face. I quickly grabbed the case and smashed it against the back of his head. I ran over to my phone, grabbed it from the counter and ran upstairs, leaving Colin holding unto the right of his forehead.

I waited until Max ran into my room before locking the door. Colton was in the crib sleeping. I had moved the crib in here so I could've kept a close eye on him. I never liked the idea of a separate room for a baby anyway. I hastily dialed 9-1-1 but then I realized the phone was dead. I frantically searched for my charger around the room but remembered that Max has been chewing on it since he got here so it basically doesn't work. I've been surviving off of the charger in the car.

I went over to the phone beside the bed. "I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner." I dialed the number again but this time Colin busted through the door with blood trickling down the side of his face. I screamed loudly when he came rushing over to me with a gun. "Shut the fuck up!" But I didn't. He put a cold object against my forehead and immediately stopped.

He looked down at the phone in my hand before grabbing it from me. "Hello?" I heard a woman on the other line. I was going to scream again but Colin probably knew what I was thinking so he pressed the gun harder against my temple. "Uh, hi, sorry. We were just testing our," he looked back at Colton who was crying now, "son on what he's supposed to do in an emergency. I didn't know he would've actually called," Colin laughed. "Honey," he motioned to me, "go and check on Colton. I'll take care of this."

He pointed the gun towards Colt when I didn't budge so I got up quickly and went to comfort him. Colin was right behind of me, poking the weapon into my back. "Everything's just fine. No need to worry. Okay, fine. Have a nice night." He hung up.

He laughed, "you almost got me caught there."


I honestly love you guys! Thanks for the support! Because 1.46k reads? Like wow.. Thank you!

Kinda bad chapter to tell you guys I love you but yeah it had to come up.

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