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t h i r t y f o u r

"I'm not staying here for more than a month. There's something about this place that puts me off." I just quietly laughed at Chris as he playfully nuzzled his nose in Colton's neck causing him to laugh and flail around. "You hear that? Daddy's coming home soon and then he'll never leave your side ever again. He missed you, pup." I shook my head with a smile, I still couldn't get my head wrapped around when he said I'm his bitch. He's so stupid.

I leaned in with a big grin on my face, "can we have a puppy?" I pouted when he shook his head. "Please, Chris. It's so lonely being by myself in that big house."

"You have Colton. I don't want some animal running around and crapping on all my expensive stuff." I scooted up closer to him and put my hand on his thigh causing him to growl my name. "Chris, please. I'm begging. It's so boring being there all alone and I'll train him or, better yet, get one that's already trained."

"What happened to Riley? Did she go back ho-"

"I don't want to talk about her, right now she's one of my least favorite persons." I rolled my eyes then went back to the other side of the chair, resting my chin in palm. "It's fine, I don't want the damn dog anymore."

Chris groaned loudly, coming closer to me then putting his arm around my shoulder. "Get the dog," I smirked to myself, knowing that I had won this. "But if it ever fucks up my house, I'm going to fuck you." My cheeks grew hot and butterflies erupted in my stomach. I don't know why I haven't gotten accustomed to him and everything he says yet. I turned towards him and gasped when his lips met mine. I was going to wrap my arms around his neck when someone falsely cleared their throat. We broke the kiss, well, I broke the kiss, then looked up to see it was James and Melissa. Chris was still kissing my neck until I tried to push him away. He smiled at me mischievously.

"Sorry to interrupt," James began, "but visitors can't show such affection to patients." He smirked at me. Then Melissa chimed in, "And besides, visiting hours are over." She politely smiled at me.

I exaggerated a long, unnecessary sigh. "I, uh, guess I should be going now." Both Chris and I stood up together. I took Colton from him and he started making this face he usually does when he wants to cry. I tried to quiet him down when he actually started to cry but I couldn't. I said my good byes to Chris and hastily made my way out of the once quiet hospital so I could try to calm Colt down. "I guess he'll just sleep it off then," I whispered to himself after I spent almost ten minutes in the car with him. He continued to cry and cry as we drove home and I was starting get really frustrated. I tried to tell myself that maybe he was just hungry so he's a little cranky but I know it's because Chris wasn't holding him right now.

My eyes became blurred with tears forbidding me from seeing the cars passing me by. A sudden honk and a screech brought back my senses and quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and continued my way home. On my way through town, I passed a little building. It was quite quaint and homely. I like it a lot just by the look of it, I hadn't seen this place before. I pulled over and parked in front of the building, reading the sign. 'Petz'. Weird. I got out the car with Colton. I didn't want to walk with him but I couldn't just leave him in the car. I've watched the news.

I walk into the building, it was quiet. "Hello, my name's Abigail. What can I do for you today?" She was annoyingly upbeat and like she had three cups of pure sugar for lunch. "Hey, do you guys do pet adoptions?" I had to ask. It's not like I could hear any barking or see little animals through a window. We were just in an empty animal-less room but she nodded eagerly and told me to follow her so I did.

We made our way down a hallway filled with doors. Each door leading to different groups of animals. "So what ya looking for? Because we got all sorts of pets. Over there are the snakes, turtles and all types of lizards," she pointed over to the right. "Over here are the fish and-"

"I'm looking for a puppy." I cut her short. I didn't have time for this. Colton had quieted down a bit but he was still ringing off my ear. She jogged up to a larger door than the rest and went in. I followed after shortly. It was a large room filled with different puppies and small dogs. There were these small, tiny little puppies when I was passing. They were so adorable. "Would you like these?" Abigail chirped at me.

I shook my head. "Maybe I stepped on one of these guys? They're so small. I want something big but not too big, not too much fur, house trained." I said plainly, looking around. I sounded uninterested in all of this but trust me I was ecstatic. It was an amazing place and the strange sounds made Colton stop wailing and start looking around with tears in his eyes. "Oh! Do you have huskies?" I love huskies. They're so furry and cute. I just can't get enough of them. The girl nodded and walked through the aisles of breeds until she stopped at one.

"Right here." I stared at awe at the little furry pups. They were so chubby looking. Some ran around and played with each other and some were lying down or trying to catch my attention but only one caught my eye. A little one with a bit of gold in his white fur. He looked so lost as he yawned then walked around a bit. He wasn't like the rest that had really scary features which wouldn't be to nice for me. If ever they were supposed to grow up and bark at me or Colton, I'd probably die because they just naturally look angry but this one didn't. And I liked that. "I want that one." It seemed as though Colton wanted him too seeing that he was reaching out for him. "That's a dog Colton. Dog. Say dog." Instead he said some weird things that I couldn't even try to make out as dog. "It was worth a try." I shrugged and smiled at Abigail.

She took the puppy out the pen and told me to follow her so we could do some paper work. After signing some papers, I bought a collar, a leash and some fancy dog food. We decided to name him Max, well I did. I didn't get much of a reliable response from Colt. Abigail followed me out to the car with Max in her hands and the other stuff in her other hand because I didn't think I could hold a baby and a dog at the same time with some dog stuff and still open a door and strap a baby in and all that.

Max sat in the front with me. He didn't do much besides look out the window or look back at Colton and bark at him causing Colton to laugh. I turned into the garage closing the garage door before coming out the car because I wouldn't want the dog to run off already, then took Colton out. I opened the door and Max ran in like he owned the place already. I didn't even care if he was house trained or not anymore, I could train him myself. Speaking of which, I should probably get someone to install a dog door now. I'd have to go a buy it tomorrow because I'm tired now and I have to feed Colton and put him to sleep and then do some things for this dog.

I really didn't think this through.

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