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f o r t y o n e.

"Come on, Mya. You need to eat something," Chris shoved a donut towards my mouth but I blocked it with my hand. "Love, you haven't eaten in two days," I went to defend myself but he beat me to it, "and no. Snacking on some of my French fries isn't eating."

"So a donut is better?" I questioned him but he just frowned harder than before. I rolled my eyes muttering a 'fine' before hesitantly taking a small bite into the cream filled treat. That's when I realized how hungry I actually was. I took the donut from him and began eating while trying to ignore the knowing smirk on his rugged face.

It's been exactly a month since the incident. And I had some news. "Chris," I mumbled lowly but he heard. He stopped wiping Colton's face for a moment to look at me. "I need to go the doctor."

"For what? Not eating isn't that bad of a problem so you don't need to see a doctor for that."

I shook my head. "I need to know how... h-how far along I am." His eyes grew wide, 'are you.. a-are yo-' he kept saying but he never finished that one sentence. "I don't know. I haven't seen my period for like a month now and I'm starting to think that I am."

"Shit." I looked down at my stomach while Chris tried to contact Dr. Turner. I didn't have much of a stomach but something was there. "No!" I heard Colt scream as he hit the high chair table. He's been screaming that word for weeks now since that day.

"I was raped in front of my child..." I mumbled to myself. It took all of me not to cry right then and there because when he gets older, some part of him will remember that his mom was raped in front of him.

I sighed. I needed a distraction. "Mya, let's go. We gotta go now if we want to see Dr. Turner." I nodded and grabbed my bag and the baby bag but Chris took those from me after he paid for our food or whatever you want to call donuts and pancakes. I took the bag of donuts with me as I held Colton.

I took my time walking to the car where Chris impatiently awaited us. "Come on!" I ignored him. He rushed up and took Colton from me and put him in his car seat then came back to rush me into the car. "Shit! It's not gonna run away Chris. We could do this tomorrow or just get another doctor."

"I want Dr Turner. I trust him and only him." Because he's gay. Just say it.

"Whatever." I continued to eat the goods left in the bag as we drove to the doctors office.

When we got there, I went straight to the bed and laid on my back. I already knew I was pregnant, I just wanted to see how far along I was, especially under the circumstances. The doctor lifted my shirt and gelled my stomach before rolling the little machine in it. "Ahh..." He said softly as he breathed out. "Mmm," he hummed, "it seems that you're pregnant." I nodded.

"How long?" Chris asked as he held Colton.

"Let's see... Let's say about six, seven weeks. Roughly there about." It was four weeks ago that I was, you know, so all is well.

"What? Who else have you been sleeping with?" Chris asked angrily. H

I shook my head. "You remember our anniversary?" It took a while for him to understand what I was saying before he nodded quickly. "Okay, thanks." I shook Dr Turner's hand before wiping myself off and leaving with Chris.

"We weren't as excited as we were before," I said lowly.

I looked up to Chris who was nodding, "I noticed but don't get me wrong. I'm ecstatic that I'm having another baby and I think we should move to somewhere with a yard, a nice, big yard so our kids could play. Wouldn't you like that?" He bounced Colt in his arms a bit.

I smiled a bit, "Yes, I'd like that very much." A distraction, house hunting.

When we got back to the penthouse, I immediately went for the laptop and searched for houses on Zillow. "At least you're doing something other than sleep all day," Chris sighed as he took Colton for his nap. I rolled my eyes in response and continued to look for homes with nice yards.

After about two and a half hours, I shut down the laptop in frustration. The houses that were available either too small yard wise, ugly or not what we wanted, or it was just not enough for Chris.

But then an idea sparked, "let's build it," I say as I cuddle into Chris's neck. "From scratch?" He asked.
I nodded.

"That sounds good but when do you think it'll be done?" I thought for a while then shrugged. "We could get my friend to draw up the plans."

"Yes, and you could hire the best builders to make the house in no time."

He kissed my hair then got up after hearing Colton crying through the baby monitor. "Sit and relax," he slyly smiled before walking away. He came back with Colton in his arms then went to the kitchen to make him a bottle.

"Pup, say hi to mommy, " he whispered as he pointed to me. "Say hi to mommy." Colt raised his head that was nuzzled in Chris's neck and waved saying, "Hi," before lying down again.


Bad news: :'(

There's only one (1) chapter left guys. Sadly, I don't really know what else to put so I'm just gonna end it but..

Thanks for the love!

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