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t h i r t y o n e

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but visiting hours finished thirty minutes ago," he said with a sympathetic smile.

"I-I know but I really need to see him. It's important. It concerns his family." The officer contemplated for a while before telling me to make it quick and opening the gate. I followed behind him as he lead me to the visiting room. I sat there in a caged room rocking Colton to sleep as I waited for the officer to come back with Chris.

I heard the rattling of keys before the officer ushered Chris into the room. I stood up and watched as he walked towards me, chains on his wrists and ankles and dressed in an orange jumpsuit. "Why are you here?" He sat down opposite of me while I took out the letter out my pocket. I opened it and pushed it towards him. His brows furrowed for a moment before his eyes grew wide in excitement for at least two seconds before he returned to his first demeanor. "He's mine." I nodded, breaking out crying again as soon as I smiled. Colton opened his eyes and looked around before his eyes landed on his dad. He turned in my arms, reaching for his rugged cheek father. I always liked him better with facial hair. He smiled and reached for Colton, taking him in his arms and whispering about how much he missed him. "I missed you, pup..." He looked up at me with blank eyes as usual, "you and your mom." He smiled at me. "They're transferring me tomorrow."

"To where?" I asked.

"To a mental institute, they think I might be mentally unstable that's why I couldn't make bail. My lawyer didn't even try to stop them."

"That's expected. Chris, you're bipolar. One time you love me and the next your beating me half to death." I looked back at the officer who was mouthing to me 'two more minutes'. "You've got to go."

"I never said I wasn't. I'm going and I'm going to take anger management courses and do everything so I can to be with you and Colton as soon as possible. This place is not for me." He chuckled lightly careful not to wake Colton who was sleeping away in his chest.

Running my hands through my hair, I began, "I'm sorry for taking him away from you and for so long. Jacob hid the letter from me." I stood up, taking Colton away from Chris and placing a kiss on Chris's cheek. "We should get going. We'll be back to visit you."

He nodded, "I'll tell my lawyer to tell you where they're moving me." I nodded and started to walk away when the dangling of chains echoed through the cold room then pulled me back. "A-and I'll tell him to give you the keys to the house and the cars. I want you back home." I smiled at him, he was changing. I loved that. I leaned in for a kiss but stopped midway when Chris was pulled away. "You're not allowed to touch him, ma'am." I apologized and said goodbye to Chris before walking out of the building and through the large gates.

"Jacob won't like this," Jon mumbled as soon as I entered his truck. I ignored him and trained my eyes ahead, watching the cars pass by, each of them quite some distance apart. "You'll fucking break his heart...again, if he finds out. I had to pick up the pieces the last time and it wasn't a pretty sight. He drank, he beat the shit out of his brother, he beat the shit out of me," he paused, "yeah, it was our fault because we kept teasing him, saying he was whipped, which he is, but he was really hurt. If he finds out that you did this, he-"

"He's not going to find out about this, and even if he did it doesn't matter because we're done. Finished. I'm leaving tonight just so I don't put him in anymore depression or whatever. I can't handle this anyway. He fucking hid the test and went to do his own! That's a fucking jerk move." I rolled up the window after noticing Colton pulling himself into my chest, hiding himself from the cold breeze.

"Um, why exactly aren't you mad at your husband?"

I looked to him as he pulled over in to the front of Jacob's house. "Because he's exactly that, my husband." I opened the door to exit but he stopped me.

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