Being Everyone's Hero 🦸‍♀️But Your Own Is Tiring😴💤🛌🏻

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"Everyone's always losing something!"  Czarina whispers into the phone when Arcadio calls her asking for help "Cza!"  Arcadio says with a shocked tone "I can't keep playing everyone's hero Arc! you and that niñita of yours were supposed to be his hero instead you became his villain! you spent more time with your crew whereas she slept the entire day away! you'd think she'd learn her lesson after losing her first two but she just kept on going!.... getting help is not a sign of weakness ESPECIALLY when you got someone to do it for! thanks to your niñita that little boy raised not only himself but his mother and I can just imagine what sort of demons he was living with, you had him going to a Catholic school for Christ sake! and their strict rules and beliefs couldn't have been helping I hate to sound like a bitch but I got two of my own to worry about not to mention Marcus and I are taking care of Lyla and her kid and to add a druggie to the mix!.... you know she isn't as clean as she claims she is, you even FEED that so called need she claims she has if she had cared about something other than the next fix, if you hadn't kept that gun in a place the boy could have gotten to it you wouldn't be in this mess!"  she says she sighs heavily then says "I'll call Romero if there's anyone who can set her straight it's that man! let Nero know she's being taken care of before he heads over to his puta's sons place!"  Arcadio chuckles then replies "will do.... thank you!"  she replies "she is NOT coming here! I will not have THAT in MY house with MY kids! they don't need that type of sadness pouring into their lives"  he says "no!.... I get it.... thank you!"  then they hang up Czarina sinks into the chair behind her with a sigh then calls up Romeo and explains her new problem "don't send Luis it HAS to be you that niñita is way too far gone to have to deal with your screw up of a partner!"  she tells Romeo when she finishes her explanation and she hears him laugh softly "and when your done come see your godkids"  she says "I may do that before"  he replies "no if you don't get there first they'll send Jax and talk about screw ups!"  she replies she hears a roaring laugh come from the other end of the phone and she smiles "thanks Romero"  she says softly "no problem kid"  he replies with a smile in his tone "kid!?!.... excuse me!?!"  she playfully says he chuckles "see you in a few days"  she says "looking forward to it!"  he replies then they hang up.... knowing that at least when it came to her and the "redhead army" Romeo was a man of his word Czarina knew that her newest responsibility was taken care of what upset her the most was the words she used with Arcadio he didn't deserve to be treated like that even if most of her words were the truth that man gave into the weakness of that woman way too easily instead of getting her the help she needed so that she didn't lose anymore kids he allowed her to suffer by feeding the weakness instead of helping her become strong she only met Darvany and Matthew twice but twice was enough for her to get a good reading on the boy and his mother and see what demons they hid Romeo got Darvany to a CIA run drug rehabilitation center for she still had much to answer for especially when he found out via Czarina that it was her boy who was the main instigator in the school shooting.... "can you take care of them?! I don't want them to see me like this!"  Czarina asks Marcus softly when she hears their children crying through the baby monitor "of course mi reina!"  he says softly he walks over to her kisses her lips then heads to the nursery to take care of Raphael and Aricia and sees her slump even further into chair as he walks into the room he pushes the sadness he feels back then walks over to his son and daughter and coos softly as he picks one than the other up and takes care of their needs.... "you can get anyone to do anything for you can't you!?!"  Nero playfully asks Czarina when he visits her, Marcus and their children "only when I need to"  she replies he looks at her sadly "I don't mind playing hero but it would be nice if they were worth it!"  she says he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "oh don't look at me like that if she cared about her kids she never would have lost them in ANY way!"  she says "I got my own family to worry about as well as every member of Marcus' clubs family from not just this charter but every other I'm a "queen" now Nero remember!?! I can't keep splitting my focus away from what I have just to save those who are unwilling to even attempt to save themselves!"  she tells him Nero's body sighs heavily "so.... when am I meeting your son?!"  she asks he chuckles she smiles and looks up at a sad looking Marcus who was not only watching them but listening in on their conversation she pats the seat beside her and Marcus smiles then walks over and sits next to her then kisses her forehead then she kisses his lips as she slides her hand over his thigh making Nero smile....

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